Moon in Ashlesha – You’re trying to move on from it, but it seems next to impossible to do! You keep getting pulled back in by an overwhelming sense of responsibility to the situation! You keep thinking that there must somehow be a way to change all of this! You don’t want to admit that you seemingly don’t have the answer. You don’t! But that’s okay! At least you are willing to look! Don’t paper over the cracks and you may find that in the midst of all the flaws you are seeing, there is a perfect solution!
Want to learn the Nakshatras of Vedic Astrology, the Lunar Mansions as they are sometimes called? Join myself and those already signed up for Cosmos and Consciousness! It is sure to be a lot of fun!
Vara: Sun
Tithi: Krishna Dasami
Karana: Vanija
Yoga: Sadhya
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