Dhanishtha 17th March, 2015 – A Good Hand

You may not be thrilled with the resources that you have at your disposal. As a matter of fact, you may even feel stuck. But, don’t let it sap our confidence levels. Emotions may have a funny way of clouding your vision today. And due to this, you run the risk of getting lost in the sauce. Take a look again at what you have at hand. Chances are that you will actually see that you have been dealt quite a good hand rather than a bad one!

Pluto and Uranus today form their last exactitude for approximately another 60 years! It can presently feel as if the stakes are high. You may even feel as if you are unsure of which direction to head. This precedes a Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 20th! There is a massive transformation in store. A process of letting go is reaching a climax. I can help you to avail yourself of this profound Celestial Climate through one of my Astrological Services!


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