New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Jyeshtha – To say that things have been a little ‘on-edge’ lately would be an understatement! You have been walking a very fine line, waiting for a greater degree of clarity in terms of the path ahead and which actions you need to take on your end to initiate the necessary changes. Because it is vitally important that you create the best opportunity for all parties involved, and because you care, you have been keeping your feelings in a certain place. But you can’t keep things bottled up any more! The clarity that you need is now on offer to you, but you doubt that you have the skills to take care of the implementation. You can’t hold back any more, or wait any longer. Now that you have what you need, why be timid?

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Saturn
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Dhriti

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Total Solar Eclipse in Jyeshtha