Awareness! – Moon in Jyeshtha 22nd September, 2020

Often times, instead of seeing things as they are we see them as we would like for them to be! Are the actions that you are taking based upon clear understanding? Or, desire? You think it is the former and you are convinced enough to take action based upon what you see. But shortly after acting, you are soon dealing with an altering landscape. Idealism divorced of what is practically possible leads to chaotic outcomes! But the same idealism balanced with sober awareness allows for gradual progress!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Mars
Tithi: Shukla Shashthi
Karana: Taitila
Yoga: Ayushman





 Learn the Attributes of your Spouse to Be or Future Relationship Partner! Still Spaces Left for Tuesday 22nd September! Details Here or Register Below!


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