It’s all coming to a head. Your passionate belief has pushed you in a certain direction and has given you the strength to face odds that seemed insurmountable. This has caused you to develop a competitive edge. Met with resistance you are now feeling scattered and striving to pull your energy together. Ego is interfering with allowing you to intuit the right choices! Let go of the concept that this is a victory that you need to win. Instead either continue onward because it feels appropriate or don’t because it doesn’t. What matters most is simply following your heart, not achieving accolades!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Mars
Tithi: Shukla Dvadasi
Karana: Bava
Yoga: Variiyas





A Lunar Eclipse starts is the first of Three Eclipses in a Month on 5th June, coinciding with a powerful Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction. Find out what the Eclipse Season holds in store for you! Sliding Scale Rates are now available for all of my Astrological Readings! Schedule through the Astrological Services Page