Working with Rahu and Ketu: The Dispositors Part 2

Working with Rahu and Ketu

In addition to the dignity of the dispositors of Rahu and Ketu, the position of those dispositors from the Ascendant and from the respective node as well helps to determine the stress or ease of Rahu’s or Ketu’s placement. Equally, the placement of the dispositor will let us know through what modality Rahu or Ketu will play out the agenda of the sign in which it is placed and the house it conjuncts. This deepens the understanding of the play of karma in an individual’s life. In Part 2 of our series, I discuss more on the dispositors of Rahu and Ketu!


If you would like to learn more about how to work with Rahu and Ketu, there is an in-depth course which begins 6th May, 2017. For further information, please Click Here!


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  1. d 10 show r and k eclipses in sc third house with r in b/c already here and saturn and mercury / ju in ten /ve in seven/ sun in six/ moon five/ mars in four/ virgo asd. no one ever goes over this. why? again r is in sc already in b/c and d ten r and k with me and sa eclipsing? Can you understand this in d ten? d nine Aries asd.with sa, /and r in twelve and k in six/ ju in eleven Aquarius/ me in second/ moon in nine/ su ve in seven/ mars in five? can you understand this. yes of course you can…

  2. I am more of a visual person than literal. Would need to see it. But in regards to eclipses, the only actual astronomy that occurs in a horoscope is in the Rasi chart. All of the remaining vargas are divisions of the Rasi where the actual astronomy is taking place. This may be one reason why other astrologers do not mention eclipses in a varga chart