An optimistic attitude can carry you far! But if it is not tempered with a dose of realism, it can sometimes take you too far! The time is ripe for action, you feel! And whilst you certainly should not ignore the impulse, you need to be cautious lest you get swept away by the passion! This is a point of pride for you. Due to that, you are prone to letting your mind get out of control rather than being solid enough to let the inspiration you are now feeling spark a sense of purpose! Rise to the challenge, but not so high that you overshoot your mark!
Daily Panchanga
Vara: Jupiter
Tithi: Shukla Trayodasi
Karana: Kaulava
Yoga: Vriddhi
10% Discount on the Three and Six Month Coaching Packages is in effect until 11 pm London Time today 10th October! You can schedule using the discount code COACH Here!
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