Who’s Bigger? – Moon in Mrigasira 28th July, 2019

Because you are not getting what you need from a specific situation, inside you are becoming a jumbled up mess! You feel as if you have far less than what you need and have to make far too much happen with it. But you are doing your best! And that matters much more than you may think! Inside, you are beginning to feel as if this situation calls for desperate measures! But if you approach matters in that manner you will not only diminish your strength, but also your resources and the wisdom with which to use them. You don’t need to pull yourself up by your boot straps! You need to see through the facade of fear which is the creation of your own imagination! Restructure what you presently have in a more relaxed manner and see the shift that happens in your situation!

Daily Panchanga
Vara: Sun
Tithi: Krishna Dvadasi
Karana: Kaulava
Yoga: Vyaghata

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