Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th April, 2014

 The Astrology of India, or Vedic Astrology, is rich in wisdom and profound in accuracy. If you would like to learn this Ancient Art, I am currently offering a course via Interactive Web Conference. The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology – A Foundation Level Course is Twenty Hours in Length and can be completed in as few as Ten Easy Sessions. For more information, please Click Here. And if you wish, you may also contact me via email to attend a Free Introductory Webinar.

Aries (21st March – 20th April) – The past is a closed door. Or, is it? Only when we allow healing to happen can we finally shut that door for good. The future is an open book. Well maybe. But the only page you can fully read is the present. What is in front of you here and now? This is vital for you to assess. Because this is no longer the past. So, the tried and tested approach will not bring the results you desire. Nor is it yet your future. You now need something radical and revolutionary to move forward. No amount of rushing about and stressing yourself out will move that future date with destiny forward. But, application, passion and insight will certainly get you there in time. Have a little patience. I am presently offering a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS VIA WEB CONFERENCE. If you would like to attend An Introduction to Vedic Astrology – A Cosmic Tool for Self Enhancement please Contact Me for further information. – Michael Reed, Counselling Astrologer


Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – When we refuse to recognise the Truth, we can only live a lie. Denying that a change needs to occur is only sure to bring you further hardship. A manner of behaviour with which you have become accustomed is presently creating a lot of problems for you. What is preventing you from steamrolling the old and rolling out the new? We often cling to that which is familiar even when it serves no further purpose in our life strictly because we feel insecure with the concept of change. This weeks Lunar Eclipse brings insight. But, only if you allow your eyes to be opened. I am presently offering a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS VIA WEB CONFERENCE. If you would like to attend An Introduction to Vedic Astrology – A Cosmic Tool for Self Enhancement please Contact Me for further information. – Michael Reed, Counselling Astrologer


Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – Having a good time should be something that comes naturally. It shouldn’t be something that we have to try very hard to do. The same can be true with relationships. We either naturally value the connection we are in, or it loses its lustre and appeal. If there is a lack of trust in your life presently, could there also be a lack of commitment? Is that necessarily a bad thing? If you don’t like the path that you are on, you can always decide to opt for another road. That may not actually be such a bad idea at present. Where there is joy in your heart, hold to that which brings it. Where there isn’t, bid it farewell. Bid farewell the blues and welcome in changes through an Interactive Consultation over your Personal Astrology. For more information, please Click Here.


Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Sometimes, upping the ante is not necessarily the best way to proceed. Occasionally, giving matters a bit of time is all that is required. A shift is transpiring. Although it may not be easy to be patient, forbearance is exactly what you need at this moment to turn the tide. That which you hold sacred is being challenged, but it is not under severe threat. So, there is nothing which necessarily needs to be protected. That which is dear to you cannot truly be taken away for it dwells within the very depths of your heart. The other side of this week’s Lunar Eclipse promises a clearing of the air. I am presently offering a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS VIA WEB CONFERENCE. If you would like to attend An Introduction to Vedic Astrology – A Cosmic Tool for Self Enhancement please Contact Me for further information. – Michael Reed, Counselling Astrologer


Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – Do you have the level of commitment to see it all through? A decision needs to be made this week. But, in going forward, some definite changes will need to be made, mostly within. And, it would be wrong to say that it will all be easy going. But, the sweetest things in life seldom are. The steps that you need to take could be as simple as shifting priorities. Bump something that is on the back burner to the top of your list. And that pressing priority? Well, why not procrastinate a moment longer? Your steps to create a transformation shall not go unrewarded. But, you will have to withstand the test of time. I am presently offering a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS VIA WEB CONFERENCE. If you would like to attend An Introduction to Vedic Astrology – A Cosmic Tool for Self Enhancement please Contact Me for further information. – Michael Reed, Counselling Astrologer


Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – What does freedom truly mean to you? Can you truly be free if you are a slave to the time clock? An opportunity for deeper relating is on offer to you at the moment. But, you are likely to miss it if you place more value in the material than the stuff of true, lasting wealth. Although both are vital to your sense of security at the moment, a chance for true healing needs to take precedence. Please try to trust that taking such steps will bring the release you need. Don’t criticise yourself for the contents of your heart. Nor analyse too deeply the thoughts in your head. Simply look at what is available to you in the moment and allow your true storehouse of wealth to deepen. For a profound look at the moment and its impact upon your Personal Astrology, please consider a Telephone Consultation!


Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Every once in a while, a realisation dawns upon us shattering everything which we once thought that we knew in one fell swoop. Thank goodness! Otherwise there could be no room for new growth. These are times that try souls. With a building tense alignment in the areas of your chart that govern the vital areas of life which grant security, you are being asked to rethink your belief systems and allow them to undergo an overhaul. A wider perception is developing, and although you may first be shaken to the core, you shall soon find firmer footing than you have ever had the leisure or pleasure to enjoy. Time now to change the path you have been on. I am presently offering a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS VIA WEB CONFERENCE. If you would like to attend An Introduction to Vedic Astrology – A Cosmic Tool for Self Enhancement please Contact Me for further information. – Michael Reed, Counselling Astrologer


Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – With Saturn transiting your sign, you have been through quite a lot of challenges over the last couple of years. This week brings an opportunity for the balm to be applied. It is not hard for you to face the truth. As a matter of fact, it is your flare. I would dare say fashion even if it were not for the sad fact that the truth is not fashionable. A realisation needs to be faced, even is it goes against the grain of what you have previously thought or felt. A new you is emerging. But, you mustn’t be afraid to face the fires of transformation; even if doing so requires a deeper sense of humility. I am presently offering a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS VIA WEB CONFERENCE. If you would like to attend An Introduction to Vedic Astrology – A Cosmic Tool for Self Enhancement please Contact Me for further information. – Michael Reed, Counselling Astrologer


Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – If a lack of direction is leaving you frustrated, do you necessarily need to wait
until you are shown the way? Doing so does not mean that a secure path is going to be revealed to you. Nor does it mean that you need to sacrifice all of your dreams and ideals for a life of mundaneness. That is something that could never suit you, and you should know that. So, if you are feeling like it would be most enjoyable to overturn the apple cart and do away with the rotten, what’s to stop you? In the depths of your heart, you know it’s right. So, why waste another moment. Take action now by having a discussion of your Personal Astrology through an Interactive Telephone Consultation.


Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Recently, a new option has been shown to you. But, you are reluctant to trust it. After all, it doesn’t fit in with the game plan. And game plans are important, right? Sometimes so, sometimes not! Although it may feel more comfortable for you to think you have everything under control, there is much to be said for trusting in impulse and instinct as they arise; even if doing so shatters every single paradigm. So, if you must have a plan, let your plan be to throw the rule book out the window and move with what seems vital, right here and right now. Trust the wild wind! I am presently offering a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS VIA WEB CONFERENCE. If you would like to attend An Introduction to Vedic Astrology – A Cosmic Tool for Self Enhancement please Contact Me for further information. – Michael Reed, Counselling Astrologer


Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – A recent difficulty is causing you to review a decision to take a massive step. You have been going through a bit of clearing out of all that does not seem to fit in your life. But, are you perhaps taking it all a bit too far? Conflict can certainly be painful to endure. But, it also presents us with an opportunity to grow. There is a belief from which you have been reluctant to budge. And though you needn’t let it go altogether, it too needs an opportunity to evolve. Allow a bit of space for adjustment and you will appreciate the results. I am presently offering a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS VIA WEB CONFERENCE. If you would like to attend An Introduction to Vedic Astrology – A Cosmic Tool for Self Enhancement please Contact Me for further information. – Michael Reed, Counselling Astrologer


Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – The old saying goes, ‘Never look a gift horse in the mouth’. Although a rather bizarre way of saying don’t doubt an opportunity, I do agree with the idea. And, perhaps in your case, the more bizarre the better. You can sometimes critiicise yourself and your visions too deeply saving everyone else the trouble of doing so. So, who are you out to please, your friends? Or, the dreamer? I suggest that you let your imagination run the show. Take the step. Make the change. And, place yourself on centre stage in your own life. You won’t regret it. Neither will you regret it if you have a profound look at your Personal Astrology through a Telephone Consultation.

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