Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments of $112.50 if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.

Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Aries (21st March – 20th April) – Something unforeseen has recently appeared on your emotional scene. And, it is likely putting you through a transformation at a time when you feel like you can ill afford to explore your vulnerability. Nevertheless, it is there and it is not going to go away simply by ignoring it. And after all, how could you? But, you needn’t let it knock you off center to the extent that you relinquish the last vestiges of inner stability. The healing process can sometimes be very painful. But, please take heart. For as this is all transpiring, a seed is being planted. Take care of yourself and nourish this seed for it is the foundation of your future. All readers who help me to spread the word about my work by liking my Facebook Page, then sharing and commenting on a post will be entered in a drawing to take place on 31st of May for a FREE ASTROLOGY WEBINAR OF YOUR CHOICE.  The Winner will be announced on my Facebook Page after the drawing. Thank you for your readership and support! (Sorry, my 20 hour Vedic Astrology Course is excluded from this offer)[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Sometimes healing the past requires that we take a stand. And in so doing, we run the risk of losing something or someone important to us. You are now being asked to assess your situation and make a committed decision. Please keep this in mind. Although it may feel as if you will lose in one area, you will most certainly gain in another. You are now striving for greater independence. Freedom from the habits, people and values which have long held you back is vital. Where you think you will lose in happiness, you may actually stand to gain. Whatever else results from putting your foot down, an increase of inner enrichment is assured. Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments of $112.50 if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – Although it can occasionally be wise when facing uncertainty to avoid taking any action at all until you can be sure, both you and I both know that this is about as certain as you are going to be about taking the big leap. Something has to give. You cannot simultaneously ride two horses indefinitely. Eventually their paths will diverge and even though you are the most dualistic sign and quite flexible as a result, the results would be too polarising even for you. So, here you are at the crossroads. In front of you lies happiness, and perhaps a footing that is not quite so stable. Behind you is a situation which may offer greater security, but offers less in the way of happiness. Where there is joy and freedom is where you now need to be. Take the plunge! All readers who help me to spread the word about my work by liking my Facebook Page, then sharing and commenting on a post will be entered in a drawing to take place on 31st of May for a FREE ASTROLOGY WEBINAR OF YOUR CHOICE.  The Winner will be announced on my Facebook Page after the drawing. Thank you for your readership and support! (Sorry, my 20 hour Vedic Astrology Course is excluded from this offer)[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Are you willing to try to trample doubt? Even if it feels like there are no guarantees of attaining the success you desire through doing so? Within the realm of vocation (much nicer word than job),  a tantalising opportunity is arising, piquing your interest. Perhaps you are holding yourself back because you are not certain that it will provide any sense of financial security? Inside of you, you feel convinced that this is what you want. No amount of me telling you it isn’t right for you would make you forego the notion, right? Good. Because you shouldn’t and I’m not gonna try to convince you to do so. If you are willing to commit Herculean effort, even if there is no certainty of success, I guarantee that positive seeds will be planted as a result. It is up to you then to nourish them to full blossom. Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments of $112.50 if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – Sometimes, it feels like there is no option. The decision is being made for us. We have to go along for the ride, willingly or unwillingly. This type of situation is not easy for those who require a large degree of security. And you like to feel like as if you are in the driver’s seat, You have recently been through a profound transformation. A new and more profound sense of values and beliefs have begun to develop as a result. These are now being put to the test. And, likely in a way that will at first make you feel a bit insecure. Worry less about your financial situation. And, you are likely to find that, as a result, it will naturally improve. All readers who help me to spread the word about my work by liking my Facebook Page, then sharing and commenting on a post will be entered in a drawing to take place on 31st of May for a FREE ASTROLOGY WEBINAR OF YOUR CHOICE.  The Winner will be announced on my Facebook Page after the drawing. Thank you for your readership and support! (Sorry, my 20 hour Vedic Astrology Course is excluded from this offer)[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – What can you be sure of? Your relationship? Your job? Anything? If you dig down deeply enough, you will find that any sense of insecurity that you may feel is linked purely to your degree of inner stability. That is most important for you to sort at this moment in time. There is a profound opportunity for a change in this area of your life. But, you are going to need to relinquish a few self-limiting beliefs which you may have previously used as a crutch to feign injury in order to avoid assuming responsibility. Apply determination towards movement rather than resistance and you will find that the Cosmos excels at filling in any blank or empty spaces. Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments of $112.50 if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – What is your plan for the future? What is your vision? Would you believe me if I told you that its realisation relies less on where you are going and more on envisioning yourself successfully getting there? With Mars backtracking through your sign for the last few months, you have been undergoing a deep process of self-analysis and self-review. This has not been simple, to say the least. And, it’s not over yet. But, great reward can be reaped if you take the right steps. Step #1 – Although you have been the subject of your own scrutiny make sure that you also recognise your strengths, not just your weaknesses. Step #2 – Believe in those strengths and new ones which may emerge along the way. They will see you through any rough spots this week and firmly onto the road to progress. All readers who help me to spread the word about my work by liking my Facebook Page, then sharing and commenting on a post will be entered in a drawing to take place on 31st of May for a FREE ASTROLOGY WEBINAR OF YOUR CHOICE.  The Winner will be announced on my Facebook Page after the drawing. Thank you for your readership and support! (Sorry, my 20 hour Vedic Astrology Course is excluded from this offer)[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – So what if you don’t have a raging fire yet. At least you have a spark. And that’s a beginning. It’s easy to get disheartened when we are at the beginning of a project and understand how magnificent it will be upon completion, but sense that the scope of work required will be great. Please do try to be patient. Don’t toss the seed away with the compost simply because you have discovered a bit of manure in it. There is a healing process that is transpiring, causing you to review past dramas and the trauma they have caused. Due to this process, you may be tempted to think that your dreams are impossible. You are seeing the dark much more than the light. Without those past challenges, you would have never become the strong person who is going to achieve success. Don’t lose faith. A radical solution is imminent. Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments of $112.50 if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – Be honest not only with yourself this week, but also to others. Acknowledge that you are not quite through a process yet. And, you still need to take it easy rather than rush into something for which you are not sure you are ready. Sometimes, sadly enough, life provides us with situations where it feels like we are living in a war zone. And when we begin to emerge, we often feel a bit shell-shocked. In such instances the slightest stimuli can be enough to trigger us. You don’t need to have the blinders down, hiding your heart from the outside world. Nor should you try to present a facade by acting like everything is okay. Honour your own pace with a situation that is unfolding and you will receive the respect that you need. All readers who help me to spread the word about my work by liking my Facebook Page, then sharing and commenting on a post will be entered in a drawing to take place on 31st of May for a FREE ASTROLOGY WEBINAR OF YOUR CHOICE.  The Winner will be announced on my Facebook Page after the drawing. Thank you for your readership and support! (Sorry, my 20 hour Vedic Astrology Course is excluded from this offer)[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Dare you think of yourself as a visionary? A radical? Quirky? A dreamer? These are not usually tags that are given to your sign. Quite the opposite, to tell the truth But, they don’t know you that well, do they? Perhaps because you don’t show your wild side until you begin to feel that it is safe to do so. Over the coming months, you are freeing yourself from negative relationship patterns. Although this need not pose a threat to any present relationships, they will undergo a bit of an overhaul. Knowing and exuding your strength and power are vital to this process. In creating a firmer footing, you may have to face some challenges so that you may further strengthen. But, the result will be well worth any flak you may face. Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments of $112.50 if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – Don’t question a good idea too deeply when it arises. You shouldn’t censor your creativity. It’s your greatest ally and offers you a promising future if you can but give it the benefit of the doubt. Such an ominous word, doubt. We hide behind it to avoid wielding our personal power and accepting responsibility for our own evolution. We let it destroy every fibre of our dreams at the moment that it encroaches upon our pleasure. It is our worst enemy, yet we treat it as our best friend flinging the doors open wide and welcoming it into our hearts and minds. This week, put cream pie in the face of fear. Give it a wedgy. Do anything but make it feel comfortable in your life. You no longer need it. All readers who help me to spread the word about my work by liking my Facebook Page, then sharing and commenting on a post will be entered in a drawing to take place on 31st of May for a FREE ASTROLOGY WEBINAR OF YOUR CHOICE.  The Winner will be announced on my Facebook Page after the drawing. Thank you for your readership and support! (Sorry, my 20 hour Vedic Astrology Course is excluded from this offer)[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 7th May, 2014Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – All things have their reason and their time. You may be facing a challenge at the moment that is causing you to feel a bit uncertain. But, it is not purposeless. Some experiences, people and places are not meant for us. And as a sensitive being, environment is important to you. That is why the Universe is providing you with the impetus for change. You can see how if something were to happen at an appropriate time that it would be beneficial to all parties involved. But, you are being asked to accept that although it may, it also may not. There is a seed which you have recently planted. You need to give it time to bear fruit. Indeed it will, but in the right season. Trust that all will be well. For, it most certainly will be. Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments of $112.50 if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]