To order an Astrological Consultation, or for further information, please Click Here.

You can also now read and enjoy my Weekly Horoscopes at The Maya Chronicle, a new, exciting independent online media enterprise for creative spirits, designed to positively enliven and enrich daily life as we head into a New Age for humanity.

Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Aries (21st March – 20th April) – I once fell asleep at a rock concert. I was so tired that I could’ve slept through anything. I knew someone who had dinner hanging from a cliff with his friend. They weren’t stranded, just thought it might be fun. I relay these stories not to convey how boring some bands can be nor because I have some strange fascination with Sagittarian culinary habits. Instead, I am hopeful that you will become aware of an emerging propensity to become comfortable within the most challenging of circumstances. We have at least some degree of power in determining how we relate to our environment and respond to stressful stimuli. Bolstering and belittling oneself are both manners of ego-centred behaviour. Do neither this week. It would contravene what you are trying to achieve. You need to do your utmost to relax, even if you don’t feel it is possible to do so. You have something magnificent in mind. And, a certain degree of enthusiasm is necessary to attain your goals. But, burn that fire too brightly and a conflagration will ensue. Remember, it is a calm fire that warms and nourishes.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – It’s well known that many actors can become so engrossed in a role that the characters they are portraying escape the confines of the role and influence their lives. Does your life seem something like a war film? Tired of all the lobbing of verbal grenades? Longing for peace, or a truce at the very least? When you fuel a fire, how can you expect it to dampen down? When you become embroiled in a dramatic conflict, it only intensifies. Certainly you have every right to pursue the aspirations which you are currently. But, there is no need to flaunt that right. Could it be that you feel that you subconsciously feel undeserving? Although something may be of deep import to you, at least for the moment make believe that it doesn’t matter. Through doing so, your options will increase.
I can help you to sort this conflict and help to guide you on the road to success. An Astrological Consultation can give you the answers that you need! One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – When the pressure is on, it becomes much more difficult to respond with any degree of equanimity. You can then find yourself in a position where discernment is not only out the window, but also down the highway. Where you have recently been through a difficult phase of your life, you are now recognising and reclaiming ever more strongly your right to a more fulfilling lifestyle. Let your sense of ethics, dignity and enjoyment guide you through to success this week. Truth be known, conflict may arise as a result. But, what is more important is the manner in which you respond to such stress. You can either elevate your own tension in response, or simply seek calm refuge in your emotional strength and mental capacity to know what is right. The latter path is obviously of more benefit to you. Stick to it and the Universe will follow suit with an abundance of options. Remember, an open heart is much better than a brainstorm at providing not only radical ideas, but also relief.
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there. Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here!


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Sometimes, strange as it may seem, a dose of what you don’t want can be key in attaining the very things which you desire the most. You’d like a peaceful life; one that is fulfilling and prosperous. But in order to attain it, or even to start down the road which will lead you in the right direction, you may have to take a chance on upsetting the status quo. Although doing this may seem to contravene the very thing you are trying to achieve, ultimately it will prove to be the step that ensures your success. You may feel reticent to say what needs to be said; insecure even. But trust in the healing capacity of the truth. A relationship will not be jeopardised permanently. Respect will eventually be the result. Be willing to sacrifice momentary happiness for long term security. The moment that you overcome fear the floodgates will open. Dare to ride that wave.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – It is quite common, from an astrological perspective, to reflect upon the past as one approaches their birthday. You seem to be filled with a longing for glory days of times past. I’ve got some bad news for you. That moment is gone. It will return to you only in the realm of memory. But, who says that can’t be sweet enough? Now the good news! Another time of revelry is due to you. But first, you must be willing to relinquish your hold upon the past and align more fully with your future. You are being called to the quest. And you are fairly certain that you know the destination. But, the astrological omens seem to suggest that, like all heroes, you will get lost along the way. Don’t let your heart be discouraged by any potential meandering. Muster the strength and confidence to face your fears. For they alone are the demon that you now face. If you lose your way, a new path will miraculously unfold where you may least expect it. Approach your trials with a sense of adventure and you shall soon find success.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – No one would like to be called an opportunist. So, the last thing I would like to see you do is to label yourself as one. It seems at present as if your resources are inextricably entwined with those of another. And by the day, you are growing stronger in your desire to break free of this situation. But, I should tell you that at least for the moment, both parties are being served by this connection and continuing the symbiotic relationship is vital to the destinies of each individual. So, how to break free? Try a little creative drama. Imagine yourself as already living in the future, You’re self-sufficient and no one is dependent upon you. Begin to make your decisions increasingly from this space. Enjoy this vision with all your heart, mind and soul. The more you do, the more success you will attain. And the more success you attain, the more this vision will become a concrete reality. Your confidence is building to the extent that at the end of the week, a bold step forward will become possible.
An Astrological Consultation can help to boost your self-confidence to make the move you now need to make. One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – A brilliant future is unfolding before you. But, in order to be able to secure it in all its radiance, you are going to need to be both prudent and patient with the process of its development. Don’t curb your creative flow. As inspiration arises, by all means start doing the groundwork that will get you to your destination, if you haven’t begun to do so already. But do please recognise that the best results will be accomplished over time. You are likely to feel a rush of vigour and enthusiasm as you begin to sense what is possible. But, haste makes waste and could create a few enemies that you would rather have as allies. In a desire to speak your truth, be dignified.
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there. Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here!


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – How intensively coloured by the contents of your mind are the belief systems upon which your life is currently founded? And which of your core values are derived from the very essence of your being and come straight from your heart? I would only ask a Scorpio to ponder such deep questions. In determining the answer, please know that If you were to go against the grain of your soul, you would suffer irreparably. But if your mind were the ruling factor in the equation, a breath of fresh insight would clear out the clutter of unfortunate dogmatic distractions, and you would benefit as a result. If there is no room for development or evolution in your life, then what is the purpose for you being here? And you are still breathing, are you not? The longer a force is held back, the more powerful the momentum it can gain. And believe it or not, you now have your hand on the lever that can propel things forward on a rather massive scale. Don’t fear the enticement that you see in front of you. It is no dangling carrot or apparent mirage. Have the courage and determination to make a rather strong decision. And once you advance, don’t retreat.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – When two parties are ready to work together for change, it’s amazing what can be accomplished. But, when one of those parties then backs out or begins to doubt the potential for a breakthrough, it’s back to the drawing board. So, you need to now ask yourself what you would prefer. Are you so determined to have things your way that when compromise seems to offer success, you would wish to eschew the every thing you were trying to attain because it can’t be achieved in the manner you would like for it to? As soon as I stated that I noticed the same old response of you freaking out over resources. Jump and the net will appear! Go with the flow and you may also find that the flames of passion are unexpectedly reignited. Focus on the heart not the head. Set things in motion. Once they are, you cannot back down. But, you won’t wish to anyway.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Could it be that conflict is a disease of the mind created when we are at odds with ourselves and thereby project the dilemma externally onto another? As you move closer to the annual full moon in your sign, I would like to bring your attention to the manner in which you relate, or don’t relate, to your own strength. Confidence early in the week could soon be challenged by self-doubt and the propensity to place the blame for a certain scenario upon another. Certainly you may be disgruntled and have every right to feel that way. But, please take a look inside to where the root of the problem may lie. You don’t have to be anything to anyone other than yourself to yourself. But in doing so, you owe it to yourself to at least accept responsibility for your own moods and potential lack of clear-sightedness. Doing so can not only bring much needed healing to an important relationship, but also a boost to your career.
I would like to help ensure that you are not only able to accept responsibility but also to accept yourself so that you may avail yourself of the opportunities on offer. An Astrological Consultation can help! One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – The next time someone disagrees with you, throw a pie in their face. They may initially get more deeply riled, but once they taste the chocolate and cream they’ll soon calm down. Besides, you will have a laugh in the process. And laughter is the best medicine for all parties involved. Or better yet, the next time conflict knocks on your door, invite it in like a doting granny and offer it a cup of tea. It’s amazing what a little bit of loving kindness can achieve. The deeper you explore living from the heart, it seems like the more flak you are facing. Although differing points of view need to be respected, you can’t let them get your goat. The stronger you try to express your point of view in contrast, the less they will understand what you are intending to say. Some things can only be experienced, not explained. And few are able to stand in your shoes. Still, this is no excuse to throw them at the other person. Know that the storm will pass. Meet coldness with warmth and argument with humour. Express your truth with warmth in your voice and you will move mountains. Here’s pie in your eye!
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there. Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here!


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 9th July, 2014Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – The biggest hindrance to your success would be to now respond to a seeming sense of pressure with an impulsive reaction. Things may seem rather intense this week. But you are not going to solve the problem through taking rash action. You have started something in motion. And you may now be feeling as if progress is not being attained as quickly as you might like for it to. As a result, you are considering actions that may go against the grain and which ordinarily you would not even consider. All of a sudden, a creative and imaginative Piscean is becoming fear filled and thinking of adopting more practical measures. Rather than going with the flow, could you now be considering a swim upstream? An idea may seem wildly unimaginable, but give it consideration this week. Even if only for the fact that it may set other more lucrative options in motion.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.