Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014I am now offering Astrological Consultations via Web Conference. This enables me to share your chart with you, illustrate key points along the way and even lets me write you notes about important points in your chart. Additionally, the consultation is recorded as a video that you can go back over at any time you wish. For more information, please watch the Video to your right and feel free to visit my updated Astrological Consultations Page. Many Thanks! – Michael Reed

Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Aries (21st March – 20th April) – There’s an old saying, ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff.’ Whoever coined that one must have had a lifetime supply of anti-perspirant. Let’s face it. When you’re in the thick of it, a Chihuahua can seem like a ferocious Doberman, a molehill becomes Mount Everest, and a pinhole becomes a gaping chasm. Let’s face it, despite all of the trite sayings in the world you’re gonna sweat it. But, please do keep these trite sayings in mind. Rome was not built in a day. A little goes a long way. And, most importantly of all. A breath of fresh air can be exceptionally rejuvenating. The tide is turning, and in your favour. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.
Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Phew, did all of that really just happen??? You bet it did! What have you learned? That sacrifice leads to strength, if you’ve done your homework. But there are also some areas where it is absolutely vital that you hold your ground. There is still more of the shedding process to come. Most of it won’t be too challenging. But, you can expect a big push towards the end of the week. Here’s something to hopefully help you through the rough bits. Although each moment can be a bit of a process, each process is but a moment. What you are experiencing is a purification process. When you emerge you will have definitely have more self value even if your material wealth does not increase. And, if there has previously been any doubt, you will know indubitably know who you are and where you stand. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – Over the coming months, you can expect to reach a space where you’re not freaking out about money quite as much as you have. Although your material storehouse has the potential to increase, the true shift will come from within as you will find yourself responding to stress in a much more relaxed manner. When you look back at this moment, you will realise that this was the time when you finally closed the door on an intense chapter of your life. There may be some powerful moments to come this week, and a healthy dose of self-analysis will definitely be necessary. But, balance will be restored. Build upon your vision for the future so that it may be sustained once it is realised. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – There are some things we would rather not face, some situations we would rather avoid. But, between you and progress lies the need to review your approach and your priorities. There is pressure to take action this week, but hesitancy to do so. The good news is that in choosing the path ahead, you can afford to take some time to review your options. The difficult bit? Well, a bit of self-reflection and analysis is long overdue. In the process, try not to be hypercritical of either yourself or another. By all means take a look, it is necessary to do so. But do remember to take time to enjoy not only yourself this week, but also the company of another. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – Mixed with the moments in the spotlight, sometimes you may find yourself stumbling across the stage. You too have your moments of vulnerability, whether or not you wish to admit it. Please try to ow some humility in regards to the information which may be surfacing this week. But, similarly, don’t flog yourself for any mistakes or misgivings. If you truly want to reach your desired goal, it is going to be necessary to allow for a little bit of give and take. Don’t forget the taste of sweet success simply because you are needing to take a look at a recent seeming failure. Make an adjustment and move on. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – Can you allow yourself to enjoy pleasure without becoming overly attached to it? I can hear those analytical wheels in your head turning and thinking that a good time is coming to an end. But, it doesn’t have to. When it seems as if something wonderful is leaving your life, know that it is merely making space for another opportunity. A positive attitude is now very vital in your life. It will help you to ride the tide and not be knocked off balance by any waves which may arise. As an insight arises, be willing to explore it further , even if you are reticent about to where it may lead. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Reason would seem to show that when something is right, you will know it. But, truth be known, this is not always the case. Occasionally, something is appropriate one moment, then absolutely off-kilter the next. When such a moment arises, your response may be critical to your future success. Do you throw in the towel and go back to the drawing board? Or, weather the storm. You have had to work very hard to create a change. Are you now witnessing your big breakthrough? Perhaps you don’t know your own power. Your impact is strong. Due to this, something may initially go off-balance, potentially a relationship. Know and honour your own truth and the scales will soon be rectified. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – A major undertaking is in the works. Something on which you have set your sights is beginning to take shape. But, it deserves the time to evolve in exactly the right manner without the pressure of either time or finance. Along the way, you know some sacrifices will need to be made. Although you may feel reluctant to let go of some things, know that what you are doing is right. And if you don’t know if it is right, wait until your heart tells you it is. As a major revelation dawns, in the wake of a recent solar eclipse in your house of relationships, don’t be afraid to take a look and make an adjustment. An evolutionary process is taking place. Your ego (we all have one) may find the release painful, but the result will be well worth the effort put forth. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – You are being rewarded for the hard work you have recently undertaken. A greater sense of security is beginning to result. But, you are not yet through the forest. This week promises a big breakthrough preceded by a bit of a storm. When the dark clouds gather, don’t fear them. There is no threat of impending doom which they bring. Instead, they are filled with silver linings, and yes a few thunderbolts. After all, the only way you are going to be liberated from a stuck space is for a bolt to come out of the blue and shift your view to a vantage that is not only more encompassing, but also allows for more breathing space. Don’t fear conflict for it offers illumination. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – My question for you this week? What are you more afraid of, your power or your vulnerability? Interestingly, the two are inextricably intertwined in a romantic interplay with each other. Without fully embracing your fear of being hurt, you will not be able to taste true strength and success. And if you refuse to wield your power, then you will only find yourself being disappointed and depressed. So, what’s it going to be? Don’t be afraid to stumble, or to make mistakes. And remember that false humility is tantamount to arrogance. Be willing to let go of one goal this week so that you may more deeply explore another. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – Hold that dream high! Otherwise the gremlins may steal it away from you and rob you of its realisation. Whilst it may be true that you cannot confirm at this very moment whether or not it is going to be financially lucrative, you are also not certain of the contrary. Silence the voice of reason by cranking up the volume of wild inspiration. I’m not going to tell you the path is going to be easy. But, the hotter the battle, the sweeter the victory. Some will certainly try to convince you of the fallibility of your plan. But, where’s your sense of rebellion? And, whose life is it anyway. Those who dream, dare.  And, only those who dare stand a chance to succeed. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 30th April, 2014Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Self-knowledge for many of us only runs as deep as knowing how we will respond to certain stimuli, what our habits are, likes, etc. But, just like there are more flavours than chocolate and vanilla, there is so much more to our energetic composition. And, we could argue that attaining this ever deepening understanding of who we are and from whence we came is the prime quest of human existence. As your sense of determination is currently building, you may also find yourself facing conflict this week. Please try to see it from a philosophical perspective. With whom are you necessarily disagreeing, another? Or perhaps your own ego in its own quest to keep you chained and bound to fear. Good times lie ahead. Don’t miss them by cowering under the blanket. On Friday 9th May 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.