Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014

Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014I will soon be launching a New Website where there will be Video Lessons on the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology, the techniques behind the composition of my Weekly Horoscopes! In addition to some Free Videos, more extensive classes will initially be available on a pay-per-download basis with subscriptions available in the months that follow. You can also elect to take my full-length Foundation Level Course to learn astrology on a more interactive basis. For further information on the course, please Click Here! Please look for the new site in the weeks to come!

You can also now read and enjoy my Weekly Horoscopes at The Maya Chronicle, a new, exciting independent online media enterprise for creative spirits, designed to positively enliven and enrich daily life as we head into a New Age for humanity.

Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Aries (21st March – 20th April) – No one likes to wait. But you absolutely cannot tolerate it! Your should be dubbed Sir or Lady Lightspeed. You thrive on impulse and therefore also have a flare for being frank. Wait for the right moment? Poppycock!!! You create the right moment, not wait for it. But, please do remember that Rome was not built in a day. If you wish to create something of great renown, should you not take your time and do it right? And what use is a half-completed project? You need to follow through. Honour your commitments this week. Even though you may feel there is no time for tact and diplomacy, do so anyway. You have great foresight. It can work in your favour. But, you need to have the patience to build your foundation one step at a time rather than trying to force a quantum leap all at once. Baby steps will now accomplish more and equally protect that which is dear to you.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Standing for your beliefs is more important than avoiding conflict, is it not? May want to check again. A belief is only as strong as the energy you invest in it. And devotion need not entail defence. If there is something that needs to be defended, that would by some measures imply a weakness in its integrity or potentially a lack of faith on your part. The truth needs no defence. It merely is and will withstand all opposition of its own accord. Try to be more accepting of an alternate point of view. You need not argue a point. Simply placing your faith in the truth is enough. And if you can’t trust in it? Then it is time for a shift. Devote all of the energy which has been channelled into a petty argument in a direction where it can actually begin to make a difference. See things from more than one angle and a horizon, vast with opportunity, will open before you.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – Are you a closet Scorpio? I only ask that because I see you being presented with an ‘all-or-nothing’ scenario this week. It’s either that you play all of your cards and attempt to win, or fold and cut your losses. You’re perhaps seeking a secure result? Don’t know if I can really promise one, as much as I might like to. But in essence, security is determined by how content you feel with the choices that you have made. To hold back would be to deny your passion. Do that and you will feel frustrated. Committing yourself means that you may alienate someone or even lose a degree of status. But, where’s the dignity in being a slave or a doormat? The more you commit to what you sense to be a rare opportunity, the quicker the progress you will make. You may doubt yourself in the beginning. But, you’ll thank yourself at the end.
It would seem you have a big decision to make. An Astrological Consultation can give you the answers that you need! One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – It is an excellent time to review what you have learned over the last few weeks. You are soon to receive a Cosmic Boost. And once you do, there will be precious little time for reflection. There was a time in the past when you did not honour your own beliefs and compromised foolishly the truth of your heart. You are now being give an opportunity to make a different choice. So, why the doubt? Is it your power that you fear? Or your responsibility to wield it? A shift of priorities is now in order. You have been focusing too intently on something which is not beneficial to your well-being. Tempting though it may be to do so, taking that step would compromise all that you stand for. Then there is another course, equally alluring which does fit with your sense of ethics. But, you doubt your ability for success. Doubt no longer. But move forward at a pace that is sustainable rather than succumbing to pressure.
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there. Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here! [ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – The energy is building to propel you out of a difficult cycle of your life and into a new phase that is not only more abundant, but also more in alignment with your true nature. The problem as I see it for you, is one of how to temper the intensity of your feelings so that they can work in your favour rather than unleashing your energy too intensively and thereby destroying the progress that you have made thus far. There are many more developments transpiring behind the scenes than you may be aware of. And there is now a need to allow time for things to develop. Here’s a formula to guide you through this difficult week. Remember the three R’s; reappraise, refine and relinquish. Take a look at your situation as it now stands. Where are you stuck? What could you let go of to help you to find the release that you need? Act with refinement rather than force. Fine tune the processes that aren’t working so that they eventually do. Time is on your side. But you need to be on its side as well by practising patience and restraint.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – Those who know, don’t speak. And those who don’t know? They speak volumes. You are hearing much, but have little trust in what you are hearing. And for the most part, rightfully so. You sense much, but are unwilling to say much about it. Equally wise. When we feel enthused about something, it is quite common to wish to share our excitement with others. But silence preserves sanctity. And the potential development that you are now sensing is very sacred to your soul. An opportunity is opening to you, one that promises fulfilment. In the past you would have seen yourself as undeserving of such a gift. But, we both know that has shifted, don’t we? As things begin to transpire, allow the process to be slow and sweet rather than fast paced. There is much realignment that is necessary in the process and you need to honour an organic pace rather than one that is fast and furious. Savour every sweet moment of success.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – When you are avoiding the answers that present themselves to you, how can you ever hope to find a solution? There is something that you would rather not confront. But in avoiding it, you are creating a great deal of confusion and chaos in your life. Perhaps you fear a cataclysm or a schism would result. But, if it feels like your life is already in a shambles, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So why not take a step that at least feels right in your heart, even if it seems to make little common sense? If the light is offering its brilliance and warmth to the dark corridors of your life, dare you keep it at bay? You don’t have to be in the dark, if you don’t want. So, why waste another moment?
An Astrological Consultation can help you see the light during an otherwise dark night of the Soul!One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – Do you know how alluring you are when you throw a fit? Are you aware of how lively you can be when you are following your passion? Neither of these states of dazzling exuberance can hold a candle to the brilliance that radiates from you when you are acting from a space of wisdom and sanguinity. You need a change. That’s obvious. You’re not one to purposely place yourself in an environment that is mentally and emotionally unstimulating. And the moment you recognise that you are in such an environment, you are usually the first out the door. So, you have started a process in motion hoping to affect change. You strongly desire freedom. But, in order to gain it you sense that there will likely be a necessary sacrifice. Additionally, there is the extra burden of having to wait longer than you would rather. This leaves you feeling conflicted in your heart. But, just as you do with everything else, go into that feeling as deeply as you can. Doing so leads to an insight that may stand to shatter every paradigm upon which your current sense of restriction is based. Although this may feel initially disconcerting, it will ultimately be highly rewarding.
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there. Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here! [ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – You may now have the perception that someone is holding you back and preventing you from succeeding. But if you examine your situation a little more closely, you may actually find that it is your own discrimination, or lack of, that is responsible for the setback you are experiencing. The fact that you have been willing to give things a chance is not going to work against you, although you may feel that it already has. As a matter of fact, it could actually create the wind that fills your sails and finally propels you forward. First there could be a challenging conversation involved. You may feel that you daren’t say what you feel you must as it may jeopardise the progress you have already attained. But through conversation, and potentially conflict, a radical solution could make its way to the surface that all parties would be in agreement of. This stands to bring a rapid release of energy, setting you free of the weight you are experiencing, even if you have placed it upon your own shoulders.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – It’s amazing the difference a shift in perspective can make to a situation. You have a greater need for security in your life. And due to this, you have been pursuing a path that is not bringing the level of emotional fulfilment that you need and were very much hoping for. But, if you were to pause and reflect upon how you got into this mess, you would likely find that the anxiety that is propelling your actions is the culprit responsible for your states of exhaustion, bouts of frustration and depths of depression. When we enjoy our work, it doesn’t feel like a toil. Where there is love, there is ease. How would you feel if I told you that your attitude that you cannot have both emotional and financial fulfilment is not founded upon truth, but instead upon illusion? You are gaining in notoriety which can lead you to a higher degree of success. And although you may have to be disciplined in your approach, there’s nothing that says that you cannot have fun along the way. Have a seriously good time with the work that you do. An act done with passion creates a masterpiece.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth too intently. Having a horse may actually be quite handy, and you may recognise that it has an ugly set of teeth and then decide that it is too homely to keep around. If you look at a frog too deeply before deciding whether to kiss it, you’ll notice all the warts. Then you’ll miss out on a chance to have your wish fulfilled. Could it be that you are seeing an opportunity as being too laborious to take on? Just remember the old saying, the hotter the battle the sweeter the victory. Put your money where your mouth is. Even if you do have the teeth of a gift horse, doing so this week will lead to luscious kisses of abundance from the Universe. Pour your passion into something which feels laborious and it will ultimately pay off.
I may be no animal dentist, but I can help you to make the most of that gift horse through and Astrological Consultation!One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 2nd July, 2014Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – You can see the path ahead. It is taking on clearer definition. Yet you are finding that you are having an exceptionally hard time getting from point A to Point B. Every time that you think you are getting closer, some senseless distraction surfaces knocking you off course for another day. Don’t freak out about the delays. The only thing you need be concerned about is constantly applying yourself towards your goals. Keep the wheels of progress in motion. But, please also be careful to not become your own taskmaster in the process. If you cannot approach your work fervently and with inspiration, you might as well not bother. Although you may be meeting with resistance, you will find that through focusing on what is truly important all that you need will naturally flow your way. Be driven by inspiration, not pressured by seeming necessity. To bring fulfilment, a pursuit of the heart should flow freely. Stress will only stymie the flow. Relax!
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there. Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here! [ssboost]

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