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You can also now read and enjoy my Weekly Horoscopes at The Maya Chronicle, a new, exciting independent online media enterprise for creative spirits, designed to positively enliven and enrich daily life as we head into a New Age for humanity.
Aries (21st March – 20th April) – What is the nature of reality? How malleable is it? All too often we convince ourselves that we are only dreaming, fantasising. As a result, we wake ourselves from a pleasant dream only to return to the drudgery of cold, hard reality. Without wild imagination, where would our life be? How much would we achieve if we did not dare to envision the seemingly impossible? After all, if you don’t chase the rainbow, you’ll never know what lies at the point where the heavens meet the earth. Are you convincing yourself that something is not attainable? How hard are you willing to work for it? How patient can you be? You may have to tweak things a bit here and there, but this week you may actually find yourself closer to reaching a goal than you may have imagined possible.
I can show you how to avail yourself of the opportunity now on offer to you through one of my New Astrological Consultations![ssboost]
Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – The truth can often be difficult to hear, but seldom does it fall on deaf ears. Where boundaries have recently been drawn, they are now beginning to be respected. But, there is still much work to be done. Try to have patience and tolerance for another. An idea is now in its seed stage, but this week can provide the proper impetus for it to flourish. Where there is passion and devotion, there lies love in its deepest form. Where there is love, there is the necessary nourishment to make an abstract idea concrete. Take care to allow room for adjustment along the way. Although the end result may differ from the initial vision, the essence with which you began is still intact. Enjoy the journey!
Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – The stuff of our dreams can either be frustratingly vague or imaginatively colourful. And much of how you currently see something is influenced by your attitude. The fog is now beginning to lift. But, please honour the fact that this is only the beginning of a profoundly enlightening voyage. Neither go tilting at windmills in a quixotic manner, nor imagine that you don’t stand a chance of overcoming opposition. Be both steadfast and flexible. Self-trust will accomplish more than upping the ante. The harder you now push, the stronger the resistance. The more you allow your actions to be guided by instinct instead of intellect, the greater your level of success.
I can help to make the voice of intuition speak more clearly through one of my New Astrological Consultations![ssboost]
Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – You do deserve success. You are worthy of fulfillment. But the stumbling blocks you have encountered along life’s mysterious odyssey have left you questioning whether or not you have been singled out for divine punishment. Time for a bit of review! But only to the degree that will bring you the realisation that you now sorely need. Have you made mistakes? Or have you learned valuable wisdom? A proper sense of discernment will show you that it is not proper to judge yourself harshly. The way is opening before you now if you will but choose to see it. Stride forward in confidence. Where things seem to not be working out, refine rather than blame. Don’t dwell in the past. The only moment ever open to you is the here and now. Don’t spoil it by depriving yourself of all that you so very deeply deserve.
In India, when an individual asks another for their Birth Star, they want to know which Lunar Mansion the Moon was in when they were born. Knowing the position of our Moon is vital in understanding the intricacies of who we are as the Moon reflects the Light of the Sun, our Individual Consciousness. It determines how we react to our environment. Please join me on Saturday 31st May at 9 pm London Time for Learn Your Lunar Mansion, where we will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. This class will be conducted over an Interactive Web Conference, linking all of us via audio and allowing me to share my computer screen with you, write notes for deeper understanding and allow the same level of interaction as an in-person class; all from the comfort of your own home. All attendees will receive a PDF version of their Vedic Chart and a Video Recording of the class. Course fee is $20 and is by pre-registration only. there is still space available! No special software is needed to attend the workshop. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – Passion is a necessary resource in the attainment of success. But occasionally, it can obfuscate rather than clarify. I say this as you are now in danger of becoming so deeply attached to the fruits of your labours that the slightest hindrance may be likely to damage your self-esteem. Which is the guiding force behind your actions, inspiration or anxiety? Although imagination offers little in the way of guaranteeing concrete results, you would be best served to allow it to now hold greater sway over your ambitions than your intellect. The voice of practicality will only tell you what you cannot achieve. But devoting your time and attention to that which may seem wildly alluring and ultimately impossible will not only show you things you never thought attainable, but also help you to realise their feasibility.
Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – A crisis which has arisen between you and another needs your devoted attention. A difficult interaction is having a deeper impact on you than you feel comfortable with. Due to this, you may be feeling tempted to bolt. Would you believe me if I told you that if you stuck with it, you would be glad that you did? I can’t say that it will be easy. You may need to take a a deep look at areas of your life that you would rather avoid confronting. But doing so will be quite rewarding. Certainly you deserve to be free from all of the recent pain, but pain occurs to draw our attention to where healing is sorely needed. Though you needn’t be a martyr, you do need to rescue a worthwhile connection from its dying throes and put it back on the road to prosperity. This week gives you the opportunity to do so, even if you must first face the fire.
One of my New Astrological Consultations can help you to stand in strength during your present challenges![ssboost]
Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Although you may feel reticent to trust your intuition at present, doing so will bestow a valuable insight in which you will ultimately feel quite confident in investing your trust. But, effort is required to open the way. You may feel insecure in starting down the road which you are now being guided towards. But your life not only needs new direction, but also deeper inspiration. If you want the stress to subside, you must trust your heart rather than allow your head to be the ruling factor. Much in your life will change as a result. And although the scenery of your life’s drama may be vastly different, the cast will provide both support and comic relief.
Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – There are few more depressing to be around than a Scorpio with no passion in their lives. That is a compliment, not a criticism. You can’t tolerate the drab and mundane. When surrounded by it you will often resort to drastic measures to induce a change. I am certain that you are now contemplating just such steps. But, it may not be necessary. To do so at this juncture would create future problems. But, please do trust that help is on the way. Once the grey landscape does vanish, and it certainly soon will, you need to keep your life colourful. Once you are out of this mess, if there is nothing that arouses your heart in a certain path, don’t venture down it. This may seem foolish to your head, but to do otherwise would only betray your heart.
In India, when an individual asks another for their Birth Star, they want to know which Lunar Mansion the Moon was in when they were born. Knowing the position of our Moon is vital in understanding the intricacies of who we are as the Moon reflects the Light of the Sun, our Individual Consciousness. It determines how we react to our environment. Please join me on Saturday 31st May at 9 pm London Time for Learn Your Lunar Mansion, where we will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. This class will be conducted over an Interactive Web Conference, linking all of us via audio and allowing me to share my computer screen with you, write notes for deeper understanding and allow the same level of interaction as an in-person class; all from the comfort of your own home. All attendees will receive a PDF version of their Vedic Chart and a Video Recording of the class. Course fee is $20 and is by pre-registration only. there is still space available! No special software is needed to attend the workshop. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – Although no one enjoys conflict, if approached with respect it can often be the precursor to positive change. You may find yourself questioning whether a particular connection matters enough for you to continue with the stress you may have recently been subject to. I think you know that it does. Perhaps a reappraisal of your approach is in order. If you consider allowing a significant other know that you care enough to pursue further dialogue, then much progress can be achieved. Nothing can nor should hold you back from your future plans. But build a firm foundation for its realisation by doing your best to ensure that you have enjoyable company along for the ride.
In India, when an individual asks another for their Birth Star, they want to know which Lunar Mansion the Moon was in when they were born. Knowing the position of our Moon is vital in understanding the intricacies of who we are as the Moon reflects the Light of the Sun, our Individual Consciousness. It determines how we react to our environment. Please join me on Saturday 31st May at 9 pm London Time for Learn Your Lunar Mansion, where we will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. This class will be conducted over an Interactive Web Conference, linking all of us via audio and allowing me to share my computer screen with you, write notes for deeper understanding and allow the same level of interaction as an in-person class; all from the comfort of your own home. All attendees will receive a PDF version of their Vedic Chart and a Video Recording of the class. Course fee is $20 and is by pre-registration only. there is still space available! No special software is needed to attend the workshop. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – So, how can it be that stress is singling you out if it is also hot in pursuit of me, him, her and anyone else that you may encounter? Does that mean that stress is omnipresent,. And if so, is it also omnipotent and omniscient. Could stress then reign supreme? You can choose to deify it and sacrifice yourself on its altar if you wish, but not me Bucko! The moment that you decide to change your relationship with this demon, the quicker you can usher it out the door and allow it to be hit in the backside by the resultant slam! All that you now need do to heal your current state of dissatisfaction is a heaping dose of good times. So please, open up a can of whoopass on stress! And enjoy every moment of it.
I’ve got your back in pummeling stress into submission. Please consider one of my New Astrological Consultations can help you to stand in strength during your present challenges![ssboost]
Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – I almost skipped over your horoscope this week. I figured you don’t need me. After all, you’re wreaking enough havoc on the world all by your lonesome. So, why do you need me along as your partner in crime? Then a little voice whispered in my ear, “Help, help!” It was so faint and feeble from exhaustion that I hardly heard it. It was your guardian angel, you see. It told me that you were getting concerned about those little pieces of paper which ultimately have no essence but which hold such great sway in the world. It said it had been trying to convince you to calm down, but had developed laryngitis in the process. So, it was enlisting my support. MONEY! Are you going to let it hold you back? Should your concern over it spoil your right to a good time? It needn’t unless you now let it. The crisis you face is not as serious as it may seem. And the sooner you try to see this, the quicker your problem shall vanish and leave in its wake prosperity…. and a golden voiced guardian angel
Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – The darkest moments often precede the dawn. And moments of great clarity many times follow on the heels of uncertainty, confusion and chaos. You have been waiting for the pieces of a puzzle to fall into place, but are likely finding that you cannot circle a square nor square a circle. A vision has been set in motion. But it’s future security, and yours as well, do not seem ensured. Due to this, and other factors which accompany, you find it hard to commit yourself to the task at hand. And let’s face it, you are not one to hoodwink yourself into submissive productivity. If your heart is not in something, then you are not able to stick with it for the long run. A vital bit of information could come your way this week which causes you to feel more inspired to devote greater effort towards something which ultimately promises great reward.
In India, when an individual asks another for their Birth Star, they want to know which Lunar Mansion the Moon was in when they were born. Knowing the position of our Moon is vital in understanding the intricacies of who we are as the Moon reflects the Light of the Sun, our Individual Consciousness. It determines how we react to our environment. Please join me on Saturday 31st May at 9 pm London Time for Learn Your Lunar Mansion, where we will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. This class will be conducted over an Interactive Web Conference, linking all of us via audio and allowing me to share my computer screen with you, write notes for deeper understanding and allow the same level of interaction as an in-person class; all from the comfort of your own home. All attendees will receive a PDF version of their Vedic Chart and a Video Recording of the class. Course fee is $20 and is by pre-registration only. there is still space available! No special software is needed to attend the workshop. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
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