My Astrology Shop is now open for business! I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there, plus much more soon to come! Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here!
You can also now read and enjoy my Weekly Horoscopes at The Maya Chronicle, a new, exciting independent online media enterprise for creative spirits, designed to positively enliven and enrich daily life as we head into a New Age for humanity.
Aries (21st March – 20th April) – When it really hits the fan, who would want to be standing in front? No one likes to have to face a firing squad of Cosmic pelleting, but there is much to be gained from the process other than a bump on the head and a bit of muck on your collar. And after all, you are an Aries and you are made to withstand things of this nature, and even benefit. If you can muster the strength to confront the purifying fires of chaos this week, you will likely find yourself in a position of greater strength and security. Your hopes and plans for the future have recently, with necessity, taken the back seat to a diplomatic process. And you may feel that they will be left in a pile of rubble as a result if you don’t devote your full attention to them. But both areas are important. If you now give deeper attention to an important partnership over and above your own ambitions, you are likely to find that both receive a much needed boost.
My New Astrological Consultations can give you the support you need to endure any challenges. One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Mind if I ask a question? If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, then why are you doing it in the first place? Could it be be due to those seemingly important concepts, duty and responsibility? Who am I to judge? Perhaps you are really able to sink your teeth into a steady diet of stress. Maybe you take pleasure in weaning yourself from enjoying your life. Maybe, just maybe, it could actually be that someone else’s dream is more valuable than yours and that it is not as important if your desires are pursued. It seems that you are becoming increasingly convinced that in order to realise your own aspirations, that you need to devote all of your time and attention to something you think to be important, but that actually may not be in the grand scheme. Please put your energy where your heart is. Act with passion and devotion. Feel secure in doing so. Narrowing your outlook to one of useless toil and labour will achieve nothing other than a state of exhaustion. Take the blinders off and you will see an easier way.
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there. Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here! [ssboost]
Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – Now let’s suppose for an instant that you big idea cannot move beyond the realm of make believe. What is more inspiring, the realm of fantasy or the bleak domain of mundanity? In which landscape would you rather live? Food for even deeper thought; how alterable is our reality in proportion to our sense of perspective? Whilst I would not recommend immediately wisping your rent away in a poof of air by seeing it as non-existent, it could be fun to at least try. Imagining that you can transport your boss to the far side of Hades or turn him into the ass that he already seems to be may get you nowhere, but at least you can have fun thinking about it. But all kidding aside, there is at least a certain degree of sway we have over our life in relation to how strongly we believe in our potential. How much impact can potential and perspective now have upon your environment? And can your wishes ever really come true? Some may say that you are living in a fairy tale. But if you remember the end to all of those classic fairy tales, the protagonists do live happily ever after.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Emotional processes have the habit of plaguing and hypnotising us. They often enrapture us in their drama causing us to play out our fears and doubts on the grand stage of life. Although indulging in these vignettes to a certain extent is sometimes actually beneficial to progress, you have lately been seeing yourself in a weaker light than your true potential. Due to this delusion, you have become frustrated with your unique set of circumstances and currently find your self on the brink of trying to force a dramatic solution. And I am not one necessarily to stop you. But, I will offer some guidance. Though you do need to now act with a heightened level of passion, you need an equal dose of perspicacity. Be cautious that you do not use a sledgehammer to crack a nut when all you really need is a nut cracker. Don’t become obsessed with a past failure to the extent that you ruin a current opportunity.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – An opportunity is available to you, but you fear taking the steps to avail yourself of it due to the fact that doing so would necessitate a radical shift. Quite often we become comfortable with inertia thinking that it offers security. We thereby keep true success at bay. Dare you trust what your instincts are now telling you? Can you chance letting go of a long term goal in order to pursue one that is seemingly more fulfilling? My job as your astrologer would be to convince you to trust in what you are feeling in your heart rather than what you fear in your head. That is not a mirage you see in the distance, but an actual oasis. Imagine yourself refreshed in its coolness and you shall soon not have to imagine!
My New Astrological Consultations can help you to understand more deeply any stuck patterns which may be plaguing you, plus give you the leverage to break free! One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – Whilst it is fine to be sentimental about the past, ultimately you can’t relive it. As time moves on, you have to move along too. You may now find yourself trying to protect something that once was. But as a new road opens before you, it is becoming obvious that you cannot simultaneously traverse two paths. A commitment is called for. You may be feeling reticent about forging a new road, but there is cosmic support if you do make the decision to do so. Have faith and your faith shall be rewarded. Something is coming round full circle. When in your past did you not stand by what you knew to be right for you? You now have an opportunity to make a different choice. The moment you decide to do so, the burden of the past can finally be removed from your shoulders.
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there. Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here! [ssboost]
Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Could it be that you are perhaps being a bit too rigid? Prosperity flows like water. If you stand like a stone, it may rush over you but will eventually pass you by. It bestows its deepest blessings on those who are willing to move and grow. Your current plan for success may have more holes in it than you think. But please, don’t be prompted to analyse and scrutinise it to pieces when you read this horoscope. Somewhere buried amongst all the practical details your plan entails is a wild Libran who is just aching to be free from the constraints binding them. Security can not be found by sticking with the same old tried and tested methods, nor by sticking to a schedule or crossing off lists. Focus on yourself first. Are you happy? If so, you will feel secure. When you feel secure, then you will be successful. And what do you need to do to be happier? Trust in an impulse. It may seem wild. But after all, who wants to be tame?
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – To say that you are strongly independent and self- reliant would be an understatement. You have very powerful tools at your disposal among which are your strong intuition and penetrating insight. You can’t keep things from a Scorpio. They see beneath the surface and their wisdom can penetrate to the core. That being the case, one would think that you would not often find yourself in a situation where you feel stuck. But, here we are. The problem is, you see, that you have a blind spot. But, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. You passion is strong. And it is only right that you should follow your heart. But you could now be confusing your heart with your ethics. Perhaps some clarification would be in order. Your ethics and beliefs revolve around what you know to be right. But, your heart gives you the capacity to give and receive love. When it is not happy, how can you ever hope for it to put its weight behind your beliefs. A dogmatic approach is now keeping you from the rapture you desire. A shift in scenery can now set you free. When you can see the way, why be a stick in the mud?
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – No one else has the potential to know you as deeply as you have the potential to. So, it would only stand to reason that the more honest you are the greater the opportunity you have for intimacy with another. But sadly, this approach does not always hold true during Mercury retrograde periods, such as now. Truth, as you may know, means different things to different people. In addition to that, sometimes you can say one thing and someone else will hear something that is radically different from the meaning you intended. If your words are not now coming across clearly to another, don’t consider saying them a different way. Time will bring light to any confusion. But, for this to happen, you mustn’t confuse your intent further by altering your way of expression. Dare to be ambitious in your approach to what you know to now be the right path for you.
My New Astrological Consultations can help you to live honestly from your strength One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – A strong dose of ambition applied appropriately can move mountains. But, the very same amount of ambition incorrectly applied can crush the very things that are vital to your success. Additionally, ambition does not necessarily imply competition. Could you now be climbing a mountain only to find once you reach the top how absolutely abysmal and lonely is the peak? Could it be perhaps that you are also attaining a height by stepping on the back of another? Instead of heaping criticism, give credit where credit is due. Rather than argue a point, be fair, diplomatic and tolerant. Do it because you care. We both know that you do. You now need support, but you are not behaving as if you are willing to give as much as you are receiving.
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer there. Additionally, any purchase made entitles you to a 20% discount on my Astrological Services. To visit the shop, please Click Here! [ssboost]
Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – No jokes or humorous analogies for you this week. You’ve been naughty! What!!! Is that laughter I hear?!?! How insolent! Back in line! Do what’s right! Behave!!! May seem a bit severe. But aren’t you being equally so with yourself? Could it be that you are neglecting your own fulfilment due to a sense of responsibility for the happiness and well-being of another? We are only responsible for our own emotions and you are now shirking that responsibility by not fulfilling your duty to your own pursuit of happiness. I won’t lie. It won’t be easy to do so. You may feel like you are surrounding yourself with conflict and opposition and thereby contravening the very thing you are trying to achieve. But when that breakthrough comes, how sweet success!
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – There are rare, few people who will dare to live from a space of authenticity. Most of humanity chooses instead to play a grand role in the great drama of finance. Therefore, they continue acting in manners that they think they should rather than making the brave decision to radically be who they are within. In your life at the moment, could the desire for financial security be keeping you in a space where your truth is consistently suppressed? A change is necessary! And it is more empowering to meet your destiny halfway than to be swept away by fate. Even if you cannot fully explain in concrete terms the vision that is omnipresent in your mind’s eye, who cares about concrete? It is heavy and will only keep you weighed down. You need your weight freed so that you can now put it behind this vision. You are more and need movement. So, don’t be detained by the details this week. That is where the devil dwells. Choose instead the path of radical imagination and constructive creativity. That path, surprisingly enough, is more solid than the ‘reality’ in which your fears would have you believe.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]
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