Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014On Wednesday 30th April at 9 pm London Time, I will be offering a FREE Introduction to the Ancient Astrology of India via Web Conference. Absolutely anyone may attend, but space is limited and by pre-registration only. If you wish to reserve, please Contact Me.

Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Aries (21st March – 20th April) – You like surprises. Well, perhaps I should rephrase that. You like the right kind of surprises; the ones that leave you better off than you were before. And precisely because of the fact that you do not like less pleasant ones, you have been trying to build a better mouse trap to keep negative occurrences which may randomly appear at bay. But, it could actually be that quite a few highly prized mice are getting caught in that trap as well that are nice, warm and furry. Allow spontaneity back into your life. Be willing to make an adjustment. It truly is for the right reason. True strength lies in doing so. Let go of the past. I can help you to attain a higher level of liberation from the Ghost of the Past through a deeply interactive Telephone Consultation.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Imagine a heavy wind is blowing. It’s so strong that you are having to hold onto a pole to keep yourself from being blown away. Then suddenly it dawns on you. It might be rather nice to get ‘blown away’ for a change, and a rather nice one at that. It could actually be quite enjoyable to get swept off your feet. An ideal or a belief is now holding you back. A shift in values now stands to move you forward. As a solar eclipse in your sign approaches this week, a new chapter in your life is set to begin. But, you must first be willing to stop reading the same page over and over again. Please do allow this book to have a happy ending. You are the author, after all. The Astrology of India, Vedic Astrology, is rich in wisdom and profound in accuracy. If you would like to learn this Ancient Art, I am currently offering a course via Interactive Web Conference. The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology – A Foundation Level Course is Twenty Hours in Length and can be completed in as few as Ten Easy Sessions. For more information, please Click Here. And if you wish, you may also contact me via email to attend a Free Introductory Webinar on Wednesday 30th April at 9 pm London Time.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – There is an undercurrent to your emotions, a desire that is strengthening. You have had a taste of something that you relish. And you would like a bit more of it in your life. Are you now finding yourself criticising yourself for what you are feeling? That drive welling up within is something I would suggest that you not ignore. Contrary to the popular story, there is no reason for the caged bird to sing other than the fact that it has been trying to keep itself content within a prison. Allow inspiration to move you and you shall soon have the keys to open that cage. The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, or Nakshatras as they are also known are further divisions of the Zodiac Signs. They help to further fine tune the understanding of your Personal Birth Chart. Join Michael on Friday 25th April at 9 pm London Time for this Interactive Workshop via Web Conference where he will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. For more information or to register, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – A new phase of your life is ready to begin. You can sense the changein the air, but there is something that is so frustratingly indefinite about it all that is really and that is really ticking you off. And, we all know that you are not one to annoy. But, please do try not to be too determined to figure it all out. Recent events may have you feeling like there is a lot of pressure on you. And, perhaps there is. But the key to success is how you respond to that tension. If you step back from the picture, you will get a clearer vision of what the Artist’s brush strokes are trying to create. It is then that the insight of how to create a better life for yourself will come to you. A masterpiece is in the works. The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, or Nakshatras as they are also known are further divisions of the Zodiac Signs. They help to further fine tune the understanding of your Personal Birth Chart. Join Michael on Friday 25th April at 9 pm London Time for this Interactive Workshop via Web Conference where he will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. For more information or to register, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – If you cannot believe in yourself, whom or what can you believe in? Not much at all, really. Perhaps this is the key reason for your feelings of confusion and insecurity lately. Much that you thought that you once knew is now vaguely unfamiliar to you. And, if you are losing your confidence as a result, it would be no wonder. The best way to respond to all of this is not to try to seize control of the situation, but instead to try to exert more self-control. Don’t let fear have the upper hand. You do have the strength to make it through all of this. And, for all of the change that you are now going through, you will be much stronger and wiser. I can help you to regain your confidence through a deeply interactive Telephone Consultation


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – An opportunity now approaches. But, in order to seize upon this golden chance, you are going to need to muster strength to withstand and ultimately the courage to overcome. A dash of bold initiative is what is required, but at the right moment. Let loose the shackles which the past threatens to confine you in. And toss those feelings of sentimentality out the window. Does a prisoner pine for his dungeon? Once you sense the light at the end of the tunnel, allow its rays to inspire you forward, and don’t waste one moment of time looking backwards. See yourself in the light and brilliance that now offers to warm you to the core. The Astrology of India, Vedic Astrology, is rich in wisdom and profound in accuracy. If you would like to learn this Ancient Art, I am currently offering a course via Interactive Web Conference. The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology – A Foundation Level Course is Twenty Hours in Length and can be completed in as few as Ten Easy Sessions. For more information, please Click Here. And if you wish, you may also contact me via email to attend a Free Introductory Webinar on Wednesday 30th April at 9 pm London Time.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Do you know the Beatles’ song Dear Prudence? Research the lyrics. There is a message there which can now help you immensely in both your social and financial life. There is a lot to be said for spontaneity. You need to let your inspiration be your guide. If something doesn’t move you, then you don’t presently need it in your life. You see, as soon as you read these words you immediately said, “Hmmmm I don’t know.“ didn’t you? Get to know yourself again, there is a lot to like. Take time to enjoy your own company and you will find that others will also enjoy your company more. Although you may feel it irresponsible to do so, the areas which you fear would suffer from just such a carefree approach will actually benefit from it. The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, or Nakshatras as they are also known are further divisions of the Zodiac Signs. They help to further fine tune the understanding of your Personal Birth Chart. Join Michael on Friday 25th April at 9 pm London Time for this Interactive Workshop via Web Conference where he will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. For more information or to register, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – It is now becoming clearer within your heart about how you need to approach a key relationship. This area of your life has been undergoing an immense overhaul recently. Others sense your strength. Sometimes they even fear it. But, you have a vulnerable side as well. And, I mean that in the most positive of ways. When you sense that you may be responsible for something, you are the first to take yourself to task and undergo the ego death that leads to a new transformation. For you, others don’t need to witness the change. You are no fan of donning pretentious displays of regret in order to gain attention. You know that it just needs to happen. As it is now doing. And an inspiring new chapter in your life is soon to begin. I can help you to build upon that inspiration through a deeply interactive Telephone Consultation


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – When insecurity sets in, the common reaction is to cling to something familiar; be it an ideal, a person, or even a routine. But in reality, all that this accomplishes is to make our life less stable rather than more so. When change is ripe to happen, refusing it is futile and only leads to shaky ground and an ultimate collapse. Inside of you, you are having a conflict of heart about an aspiration for the future. This conflict may even be spilling over into other areas of your life. But, a new path is now opening to you. Where is your sense of adventure? Fear not the future for it offers opportunity. The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, or Nakshatras as they are also known are further divisions of the Zodiac Signs. They help to further fine tune the understanding of your Personal Birth Chart. Join Michael on Friday 25th April at 9 pm London Time for this Interactive Workshop via Web Conference where he will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. For more information or to register, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – The snow goose need not bathe to be white. You are presently putting too much energy towards a goal that could be better achieved by a more subtle and fluid approach. And, although the recent astrological climate has been anything but a walk in the park, you desperately need to relax. But do please be careful to not try too hard to do that too, okay? Just let the burden fall from your shoulders. Solutions quite often appear when we allow panic to subside. Tension can be a block to inspiration. Too much mental effort is being applied when you can actually allow wisdom to do the work for you by paying less heed to the incessant mental chatter which you may have recently been subject to. To stop that mental chatter, you could listen to me chatter instead by having a deeply interactive Telephone Consultation.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – An emotional spring cleaning is long overdue. It’s times like this when the dirt and grime that block our ability to have a good time become all the more obvious. Sometimes though, you have to go a bit more deeply into the pain in order to be able to come out the other side. Just remember that a job worth doing is worth doing well. No half measures here! You deserve to be in a space where it feels safe to trust. But, there is presently much fear blocking that capacity. Although the fear may not be well founded, it is not wise to ignore it. Feel it. Listen to it. But, don’t allow it to rule you. Let it to wash over you and pass by. You will emerge liberated and all the more powerful for doing so. The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, or Nakshatras as they are also known are further divisions of the Zodiac Signs. They help to further fine tune the understanding of your Personal Birth Chart. Join Michael on Friday 25th April at 9 pm London Time for this Interactive Workshop via Web Conference where he will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. For more information or to register, Please Click Here.


Weekly Horoscopes for Week Beginning 23rd April, 2014Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – To which voice are you going to pay more heed, the one that doubts or the other that somehow knows everything is going to be okay? Look, it doesn’t matter if you can’t explain to someone else how you know things are going to be okay. Their insecurities are for them to sort and not you. Don’t allow another’s feelings of trepidation to now hold you back. Rest assured. Trust in the Universe. Wield the strength which it is bestowing upon you and don’t feel shy to do so. An opportunity is opening to you but you need to drop the mantle of reticence which you have been wearing in order to avail yourself. The Astrology of India, Vedic Astrology, is rich in wisdom and profound in accuracy. If you would like to learn this Ancient Art, I am currently offering a course via Interactive Web Conference. The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology – A Foundation Level Course is Twenty Hours in Length and can be completed in as few as Ten Easy Sessions. For more information, please Click Here. And if you wish, you may also contact me via email to attend a Free Introductory Webinar on Wednesday 30th April at 9 pm London Time.