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Mars has moved forward this week, sparking initiative and fueling progress. Where in your life have the engines ground to a halt over the last couple of months? What have you learned from the process? Please feel free to share your thoughts, feelings and comments on these topics as well as the Horoscopes. There is a Comment link underneath the Horoscopes title. I look forward to connecting with you! – Michael Reed
You can also now read and enjoy my Weekly Horoscopes at The Maya Chronicle, a new, exciting independent online media enterprise for creative spirits, designed to positively enliven and enrich daily life as we head into a New Age for humanity.
Aries (21st March – 20th April) – It’s difficult to believe in yourself when all of your actions seem to produce no positive results. Before you start worrying that you are in for more of the same, please let me reassure you that much of that energy is behind you. You have been raring to go full throttle for quite some time now. But, you have not recently been supplied with the necessary momentum. This week, you are being blessed with the Cosmic Juice once again. You know what to do with it! But, the problem just may be that you know too many things to do with it. What wisdom have you been on the receiving end of the last few months?You need to temper your fire. Refine its heat so that it can burn for a longer period of time. The final touches are now being put in place and what you are planting will be strong enough to survive the greatest storm.
Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – You have been cultivating a deeper degree of patience. But, you are still letting a difficult interaction irk you. Whilst it is true that there is still much to be sorted; if you care, you need to be more diplomatic in your approach. There is still much sensitivity on the other side over a certain issue. Order can be restored. The good times can be rolled out once more. And yes, you need to honour your feelings in the situation. But please do keep in mind that stating your needs does not necessarily ensure that they will be fulfilled. That choice lies with the other party. Give as much freedom and space this week as you would like to receive in return.
I hope that you will join me on Saturday 24th May at 9 pm London time for an exciting exploration of the planetary indicators for relationships and romance in your Personal Birth Chart. In this Online Astrological Webinar, we will be using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology to understand your capacity for intimacy and how to build a solid foundation that will increase your potential for successful relationships. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. No special software is needed to attend the workshop. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – We live in a world that touts the importance of money above all else. As a result, the matters most vital to the happiness of human existence get suppressed. Or maybe squashed is a better word. Quite often we become driven by our quest for greater stability to the extent that we forget that the foundation of true security lies in emotional fulfilment. Whilst it may be true that you need to keep the ball rolling in order to maintain the same level of liquidity with which you have grown comfortable, if there is no inspiration behind your actions, you will ultimately find yourself unhappy with what you have attained. Opt for the path that is more creatively encouraging and you may actually find that material enrichment naturally results.
Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – The Cosmos is conspiring to work in your favour this week. The worst thing you could do is botch it all up. So I have been hired, and at very low pay I might add, to whisper words of Universal Wisdom in your ear in hopes that you don’t flub it. You don’t like that looming uncertainty. It makes you feel as if your future is not quite so stable. But, what is more important? Being a slave to the grind? Or, taking some sort of pleasure from life? Inspiration can creep into our deep dungeon of despair at the rarest of times, liberating us from our prison. But if you are out of sync with what you are put here to do, it has a harder time finding the jailor’s keys. That inner calling is not a siren’s voice designed to lead you astray. It is the voice of sound counsel.
Let’s take a deeper look at that Inner Calling and all that it entails. I now offer Astrological Consultations via Web Conference. For further information, please Click Here. [ssboost]
Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – Dissatisfaction, albeit a negative emotion, serves a very positive purpose. Without it, life would be stagnant. Fewer things would change. You have recently decided to adopt a more ambitious approach. Ultimately, that is something which will serve you in a positive manner. But first, you are being asked to learn and develop the fine art of surrender. Sound confusing? Perhaps I should explain. Sometimes we become too mentally and emotionally involved in our pursuits. Out of a desire to develop and further ideas, we become driven by an imagined need to create a mental storm. You would be better served by listening now for the subtle voice of insight. Let its words speak clearly to your soul. Don’t drown it with the anxious babble of intellect.
I can help you find the information that you need. I now offer Astrological Consultations via Web Conference. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – You take your freedom seriously. And so you should! Nobody likes to be bound to a situation or even another person unless they do so out of a matter of choice. You have worked hard recently to define a higher level of strength and self esteem. As a result, you now find it hard to put your stamp of approval on any idea which does not come from your own mental faculties. That’s commendable, on one level. You do need to trust yourself more. But, have you considered that you may be less objective to your situation than someone else? Let a conflict subside. Reconnect with another on a new level. Allow the focus to be on having fun. Then see if you feel the same about an idea which is being proposed. Your mistrust of another is could merely be a mirror of a residual lack of self trust which still needs to be sorted before a powerful change can take place.
I hope that you will join me on Saturday 24th May at 9 pm London time for an exciting exploration of the planetary indicators for relationships and romance in your Personal Birth Chart. In this Online Astrological Webinar, we will be using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology to understand your capacity for intimacy and how to build a solid foundation that will increase your potential for successful relationships. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. No special software is needed to attend the workshop. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Where’s the sense in fighting? It’s unnecessary and will only waste your energy. Why struggle? You don’t have to. Some things are inevitable and to resist a necessary change when its time has come is futile. You have involved in a long battle. And it has taken its toll. The depth to which you have let yourself become entrenched has been detrimental to other areas of your life that vitally need your attention. If you were to let go of a struggle, you may actually find that you achieve many of the things which you were hoping to accomplish, and in a much simpler manner. Your spark is ignited this week, but let its flame warm and nourish rather than scorch harshly or completely burn out.
Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – Your words hold gravity. Careful how you use them! You know that a change is absolutely vital. But in order to bring it forward, you need to be more flexible. To say that you are strong willed would be an understatement. Some might consider you as selfish. But, we both know this is not the case. A fulfilled Scorpio is the best type to be around. And in order to find happiness, you need for things to be a specific way. Due to this, you are not wild about compromise. Nor do you demand that others give ground. A trying time has provided you with much insight and incentive. And, you have been waiting for Universal support for your plan. It’s here. But in order to avail yourself, you now need to reach an agreement. Give an inch and you will gain a mile.
I hope that you will join me on Saturday 24th May at 9 pm London time for an exciting exploration of the planetary indicators for relationships and romance in your Personal Birth Chart. In this Online Astrological Webinar, we will be using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology to understand your capacity for intimacy and how to build a solid foundation that will increase your potential for successful relationships. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. No special software is needed to attend the workshop. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – Honesty is something which many profess to speak, and few wish to hear. But its presence is necessary if we are to truly relate to another. A key partnership, be it personal or business oriented, is in a holding pattern. If there is to be progress, things simply cannot be the as they once were. And, both parties now need to accept that. You know that you need and deserve respect. And, you have no problem with saying so. But, are you willing to give as much as you get? As the weekend approaches, an opportunity to mend is on offer. See it for what it is and the precious gift of insight will be your reward.
I hope that you will join me on Saturday 24th May at 9 pm London time for an exciting exploration of the planetary indicators for relationships and romance in your Personal Birth Chart. In this Online Astrological Webinar, we will be using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology to understand your capacity for intimacy and how to build a solid foundation that will increase your potential for successful relationships. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. No special software is needed to attend the workshop. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Although its true meaning is much more profound, dharma can loosely be translated as the path of one’s destiny and the ethics required in getting there. But, the road to destiny is often beset with many twists and turns. And ethics sometimes have a strange way of becoming dogma, ultimately limiting one’s growth. The vocation sector of your chart is beginning to heat up. And you can now gain a lot of ground. Whilst I am by no means suggesting that you behave unscrupulously, I would suggest that you reflect upon your belief systems and rid yourself of any which may limit your material growth and spiritual evolution. Although a complete change of plans might be a bit excessive, it would seem that you would now benefit from at least a bit of an overhaul. In the process, you may have to confront an insecurity. Use that famous Capricorn detachment and you will surely succeed.
I can help you to overcome that insecurity through one of my New Astrological Consultations.[ssboost]
Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – Remember when you were young and you would push the envelope just to see how much you could get away with? It’s natural for small children to push the boundaries. Most parents will also tell you that, although it may be annoying, it is equally healthy for teenagers to rebel. So, what happened? Why have you given up the spirit? You seem to have gone all reticent on me? Are you even awake? Didn’t you know that the Universe loves a revolutionary? You could find yourself getting more than your fair share of birthday cake for your inner child this week if you were to throw a tantrum and declare how much you deserve it. Maybe you could even stay out after dark if you tell the oppressive authority figure who dictates your schedule where they can shove it. And to put icing on the aforementioned cake, that wild passion could also serve you in another area where you could be on the receiving end of a heaping dose of the warm fuzzies. But, I suppose we will never know. Or… will we?
Special Offer – For the remainder of May I am offering more flexible payment arrangements for my Vedic Astrology Course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology. The course can be paid for in four installments if you register before the end of the month. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – There’s nothing more savage than a piranha. A fish with teeth can be more vicious than all the wild boars of Borneo combined, more difficult to tangle with than an innerved wasp and certainly more volatile than the most enraged python. A fire is lit under you this week. And, its about time! Because we all know that there is much that needs to change. And, this is not one of those moments where you need to seek permission for being yourself rather than remaining complacent as everyone else’s doormat. Those days are done my dear Piscean. Don’t worry, there’s still space for your sensual side. You could actually find yourself enjoying every moment of cracking the whip. Some might even mistake you for an Aries, if not the legendary Zorro. But, do remember that Rome was not built in a day. Your fires need to warm not only now, but also for a long time to come. Nourish yourself and they too will be sustained.
You too can discover your Inner Piranha through one of my New Astrological Consultations. I can help you to rule the Seven Seas rather than just being another fish in the pond. For further information, please Click Here.[ssboost]
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