I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will also find Astrology Software and Books on Astrology on offer. To visit, please Click Here!
You can also now read and enjoy my Weekly Horoscopes at The Maya Chronicle, a new, exciting independent online media enterprise for creative spirits, designed to positively enliven and enrich daily life as we head into a New Age for humanity.
Aries (21st March – 20th April) – When the wind fills your sails, you are a force to reckon with. And when it resists you? You get severely peeved and become even more of a dynamo. I’m not suggesting that you get angry. Nor do I think you are in for a bad go of things. As a matter of fact, I think that you are being presented with an opportunity that is more sound and secure than you recognise. You may not see it the same way, but that’s only because you are facing a wall. There is a way over it. If you don’t see it, then perhaps try going around it. Above all be flexible. Stay positive. You may need to make an adjustment or two, but please trust that you will continue to progress in the direction you desire.
My New Astrological Consultations can help you to stay on course. One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Lao Tzu once said, ‘There is no greater illusion than fear, no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself, no greater misfortune than having an enemy. Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe.‘ A plan on which you have based your financial future is now losing it’s lustre. But if you hold out rather than respond to the pressure, a brilliant insight will dawn in the coming weeks that will enable you to sort any resultant issues. For now, be flexible rather than impulsive. Avoid a show of muscle. The more deeply you respond to a drama at present, the more intense it will become. Try to take life lightly, even if it doesn’t feel as if there is much to be happy about. Where there is fear, there is insecurity. Where there is insecurity, there is the temptation to exert power. But the path to certainty, security, and true power lies in responding to neither of these emotions. Be like the rock which allows the river to flow around it and a crisis will pass.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – When a labour of love becomes just another exhausting struggle, it’s time to take a break. It may seem as if the pressure of time is mounting and threatening to squeeze all the juice out of your luscious mango of a life style. But, the worst thing you could now do is to fight back. An ancient martial arts adage states that when an opponent is rushing at you in full strength, the best defence is simply to turn to the side so that the force of the attack works to their demise. Respond to any stress which you may now be feeling by stepping back from it. Gain perspective. Although it may seem like you don’t have enough resources to keep the momentum of an enjoyable journey moving forward, it is not as dire as it seems.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – If you are okay with feeling exhausted and stressed out, then don’t let me deter you. But, if you want to feel happy, more at peace and definitely more creatively fulfilled, it is prime time for you to make an important shift. We sometimes surround ourselves with people and surroundings that are about as adverse to our true nature as possible. Then we have the sheer stupidity to question why life seems like such a struggle. True freedom goes far beyond the freedom to shop and pay taxes. True liberation comes from being bold enough to blaze your own trail whilst also accepting responsibility for doing so with no apologies offered. Taking the first step may make you feel a bit insecure, But by the second or third, you will be surprised at the difference a little sunlight can make. Let it now shine in!
My New Astrological Consultations can help you to set yourself free! One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – Are you carrying too much weight? Burden too heavy for you? Feel like for every step forward you are required to take several steps back? Well, if you have to take a step back, you might as well make the most of it. You are in danger of becoming so caught up in a mess that you are unable to see the forest for the trees. It’s easy to lose heart. But it takes a rare soul to give discouragement a hard slap in the face. So, although you have been close bedfellows, its time to kiss that depression goodbye. Please don’t let a recent slow in progress convince you that you should give up altogether. That would be sheer foolishness. There is something you deem important to accept responsibility for. But if you temporarily shift its burden from your shoulders, you will find that your pace becomes lightened. Then when your strength returns, you can shoulder it more effectively. There is no honour lost in doing so, but rather gained.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – Now that you ruler Mercury is apparently backtracking though the sky, you could use a bit of down time for self-reflection. Take the space to enjoy your own company without the stress of others on your back pressuring you to make decisions that you are neither ready to make, nor have to. If you are reticent about expressing your need for space due to fear of another’s reaction, then I would ask you to take a look at the fact that any connection which would not honour such a basic right is not one that you now need. The answer to your problem lies within. I think if you take a closer look, you will see that your uncertainty about a key relationship is due to the fact that you doubt yourself. And as a result, you may be taking advantage of a situation in order to make yourself feel more important. You are important and don’t need to act in such a way to know so. Place your trust in that, and take it to the bank.
My New Astrological Consultations can help you to deepen your sense of Self-Trust. One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – I should warn you this week to take your time. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, and make…well…fools of themselves. There’s an old saying, ‘Fake it and you’ll make it.’ And although it may be tempting to do so when you feel under pressure, I suggest instead that you remain true to yourself and don’t make hasty decisions. You are being presented with many opportunities. Your rational mind would have you think that one is more viable than the rest. But, there is something about it which you just don’t trust. Don’t try to reason it or explain it. You can’t explain a gut feeling. But, its there. Take some time with a friend. Get away from the pressure which confronts you, even if just for a few hours. Someone else’s insight can give you the perspective that you need in order to overcome a difficult situation. Don’t deny the support which is on offer to you.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – An amazing transformation occurs when you lose your will to fight. You stop struggling! We sometimes senselessly create further stress in our lives by amping up a conflict. But, to do so is foolish. Who needs the stress created by arguing a point? Will anything be gained in doing so? Or could it be that if you were to decide to abandon the battle, you would suddenly find yourself victorious? If victory means being at peace, then yes! The past is a closed door. What’s more important is the road ahead. If someone wants to benefit from your presence, they will come to their senses. In the meantime, you have more important matters to think about. Set yourself free by letting go. There is more strength in doing that than any other route which you may now be tempted to take.
Please join me on Saturday 21st June 2014 at 9 pm London Time (4 pm US Eastern Time) for an Exciting Astrological Webinar where we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Birth Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. This workshop will provide you with a profound understanding of your own Personal Prosperity. When approached with awareness, both the ebbs and flows in the financial tide can contribute to future success. Through this workshop, you can learn how to make the most of both. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. For further information or to register, please Click Here. [ssboost]
Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – You may now be of the mindset that a lack of resources stands to spoil a potential good time. Where’s your sense of adventure? You are becoming reticent about availing yourself of an opportunity as you fear you cannot afford to do so. But, as your astrologer, I am here to tell you that you need to throw caution to the wind. Dare to be bold. Break free of the chains that are binding you to a sense of duty. Your number one responsibility is to yourself. Take care of that and the rest will amazingly fall into place. You have a habit of becoming so deeply involved in struggle that when it ceases, you continue in the illusion of its presence. But it can now be over with if you will only decide to see so. Therein lies the choice.
Please join me on Saturday 21st June 2014 at 9 pm London Time (4 pm US Eastern Time) for an Exciting Astrological Webinar where we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Birth Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. This workshop will provide you with a profound understanding of your own Personal Prosperity. When approached with awareness, both the ebbs and flows in the financial tide can contribute to future success. Through this workshop, you can learn how to make the most of both. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. For further information or to register, please Click Here. [ssboost]
Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – You are facing a moment that is critical in the determination of your future. Big decisions are at stake. In moving forward, it is important that you ensure your needs are fulfilled. Upon hearing this you may be tempted to opt for an approach that is based purely upon a sound financial model. And whilst that is vital to the equation, of equal importance is whether or not taking such actions would place you in a position where you are also creatively fulfilled. Although you now need to look ahead, it would not hurt to momentarily take a look back also at what has and hasn’t worked. A plan may now need a bit of alteration, but take care not to destroy its foundation. When in doubt, indulge your creativity and it will help you to find the answers that you need.
My New Astrological Consultations can help you to make the right choice and to set a truly satisfying plan in motion. One hour in length, these consultations can be conducted via web conference, allowing for a deeply interactive experience which allows me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. Additionally, it’s recorded to a video file for you to go back and watch again and again. For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – So, what are you going to do at the first sign of resistance? Run away with your tail tucked between your legs, then re-emerge from your closet of a room with a scrub brush and get down on your knees like a good little slave? You may be thinking that an idea is simply too fantastic to work. But, it is my duty to convince you of the contrary. It’s not going to do you any good to try to rack your brain in order to come up with an alternative solution. Nor is banging your head against a wall going to generate ideas. What does your heart say? How has its voice been drowned in the recent din? It has something to say which could very well rescue the whole kit and kaboodle. Where there is love, there is no effort. And when things are extremely challenging? Where is the love? Open yourself to be filled and you shall also find fulfillment.
My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.[ssboost]
Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Eastern culture has a word for which we have no clear translation, maya. Many define it as illusion, but that doesn’t do the word full justice. Especially when such an illusion can feel like a tonne of bricks weighing on your head and heart. Maya is something which can have a real impact. It can alter your life intensively. But, it too is altered by your response to it. You now have an opportunity to rise above a past challenge and attain real success. But, something which you currently face is deepening fear by bringing up strong feeling tones from your past, potentially leaving you senseless and unable to act. Being without sensory enjoyment is assured hell for a Piscean. Time for a bit of sensory replacement therapy. When maya tells you that you are going to be stuck with routine, hit it where it hurts by envisioning distant shores within your mind’s eye. And when it attempts to paralyse you with fear? Feel the wind beneath your wings as you set yourself free from its grasp.
In addition to Astrological Consultations, I now offer In-Depth Personalised Video Reports! Available in three formats and a half hour in length, these reports allow me to share your chart with you and point out important details in addition to leaving you notes when necessary. If you have a specific question in mind, need a six-month outlook or just want to deepen the process of self-discovery, these reports are ideal! For further information and a brief tour, please Click Here.[ssboost]
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