Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012

Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

Although you may have missed this week’s edition of Authentic Astrology Radio~Astrology is Live!, it’s not too late to listen. This week’s show covered the stationing of Jupiter; the powerful Harmonious Aspect between Saturn and Neptune, along with our featured musical piece by Jimi Hendrix ‘Valleys of Neptune’. You can listen to an MP3 version of this week’s show by Clicking Here!

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Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Aries (21st March – 20th April) – Truth is seldom found in details and data. Information can seem indisputable, yet still be as distant from the Truth as the Earth is to Pluto; perhaps further. The intellect does not have the capacity to fully grasp Truth, only the heart can do that. It’s hard for you to know which direction to take. And you may not be able to find the perfect answer this week, no matter how deeply you scrutinise the situation. But, you can choose to follow your heart to freedom as it strives to carry you to wild, new territory. We invite you to consider supporting our work by becoming a valuable and vitally sustaining ‘Authentic Subscriber’. In return, you will receive a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report prepared by me every week based upon your complete Personal Astrology, not just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price. Together, we’re stronger. For more information, and to subscribe, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Structured thinking is useless unless it leads to a creative solution. Substance cannot be given form if it is restricted from doing so. And without using your imagination, you cannot reach your destination this week. Where you have been holding back, you now need to let loose. A sober realisation may give you insight, a seed which can be planted. But creative imagination is what will help it to grow. Don’t be pennywise to the extent that you become pound foolish. Unleash the unique power of your own personal potential during this profound week of transformative, shifting energy by treating yourself to an In-Depth Personalised Audio Report prepared by me. You’re worth it. For more information ~ and to read testimonials of the Reports ~ please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – The only security to be found in the material plane is temporal by nature. All things are born, and all things must pass. The only true stability is within. And, that is not come by easily. You have to really want it to the extent that you will face conflict both within yourself and within your environment in order to attain it. That which you desire cannot be yours until you first establish a peace treaty with yourself. Or, at the very least, a truce. As Saturn and Mars now move to new sectors of the zodiac, powerful shifts are occurring. I can help you to gain vital clarity and help you to unleash your full ~ and true ~ potential for the coming Times of Change. Consider treating yourself to an intensely therapeutic One Hour Telephone Consultation with me, and you can also avail yourself of an extra treat ~ a Free Month’s Subscription to our Authentic Subscriber Service! For full details of my Consultations and to avail yourself of this offer, please Click Here! You’re worth it.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – We are only able to reach a momentary plateau before the climb calls us upwards. Peace can be had for an instant before the friction of our dualistic existence sparks the fire of dissatisfaction. Some momentary lulls have the propensity to sink into a state of boredom. But luckily, such mundanity cannot endure for long. A balance between two opposing forces can be found, but effort is the only thing which can maintain it. Let the desire for freedom be the guiding factor which brings both. We invite you to consider supporting our work by becoming a valuable and sustaining ‘Authentic Subscriber’. In return, you will receive a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report prepared by me every week based upon your complete Personal Astrology, not just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price. Together, we’re stronger. For more information, and to subscribe, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – If you value a high degree of certainty and security, then you are likely to remain fixed within your current situation, which we both know is about as satisfying as the plague. Yet, if you are willing to confront your fears, then you may actually get somewhere. Determination is necessary to reach your goal. But, that alone is not sufficient. You also need to allow your intuition to break through the traffic jam that is cluttering up your mind and stalling progress. Unleash the unique power of your own personal potential during this profound week of transformative, shifting energy by treating yourself to an In-Depth Personalised Audio Report prepared by me. You’re worth it. For more information ~ and to read testimonials of the Reports ~ please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – You are beginning to experience a radical change of heart. For far too long your life has been imbalanced due to your dedication to being dutiful, rather than exploring your heart’s content. Whilst it is certainly understandable to wish to protect a ‘nest egg’ long enough to allow it to hatch, grow, take wings and fly; it has, as of late, been crushed by the weight applied by sitting on it. Through asserting yourself and sprouting your own wings, it will find much more nourishment. As Saturn and Mars now move to new sectors of the zodiac, powerful shifts are occurring. I can help you to gain vital clarity and help you to unleash your full ~ and true ~ potential for the coming Times of Change. Consider treating yourself to an intensely therapeutic 1 Hour Telephone Consultation with me, and you can also avail yourself of an extra treat ~ a Free Month’s Subscription to our Authentic Subscriber Service! For full details of my Consultations and to avail yourself of this offer, please Click Here! You’re worth it.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – There is a vast difference between being selfish and being strong. When your desire to be fair overwhelms you, it is very easy to forget this. It is all too easy to allow the feelings of another to impact our decision making process, especially when there are deep sentiments involved. Certainly, you should not go overboard. But, some boundaries do definitely need to be set. You owe loyalty to your own heart if you are going to be able to devote any attention to another’s.  We invite you to consider supporting our work by becoming a valuable and sustaining ‘Authentic Subscriber’. In return, you will receive a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report prepared by me every week based upon your complete Personal Astrology, not just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price. Together, we’re stronger. For more information, and to subscribe, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – Quite often, when we are faced with a crisis, we approach our challenge from an inappropriate perspective. We apply a firm grip and attempt to muscle our way through a situation using every ounce of mental and physical juice that we can. The problem which you are now attempting to sort requires more patience and reflection. The root of the difficulty is rooted less in the external physical realm than you may be able to see. An internal change of scenery is what you require more. A pause in the struggle may currently feel unnerving, but momentum and focus are gathering in intensity. That, combined with an ounce of wisdom will be all that you require to get the job done. Unleash the unique power of your own personal potential during this profound week of transformative, shifting energy by treating yourself to an In-Depth Personalised Audio Report prepared by me. You’re worth it! For more information ~ and to read testimonials of the Reports ~ please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – It is best for you presently to be focused less on what you may gain or lose from a particular venture, and much more on the thrill of the journey itself. Quite often we need for a situation to become completely untenable before we decide to leave it by the wayside in favour of wilder and greener pastures. Never one to be tied down, you now need movement. Things are momentarily at a standstill. But, that is only so that you explore all of your alternatives and find the balance that is needed. The brakes will then be released. As Saturn and Mars now move to new sectors of the zodiac, powerful shifts are occurring. I can help you to gain vital clarity and help you to unleash your full ~ and true ~ potential for the coming Times of Change. Consider treating yourself to an intensely therapeutic One Hour Telephone Consultation with me, and you can also avail yourself of an extra treat ~ a Free Month’s Subscription to our Authentic Subscriber Service! For full details of my Consultations and to avail yourself of this offer, please Click Here! You’re worth it.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – The saying goes that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. But, that is only because Capricornian dogs are quite often misunderstood. They may seem like they are learning nothing, when in essence they prefer to master a trick in private before performing it. If you have felt out of your essence lately, that is only because a massive shift is approaching. Sometimes we need a degree of surprise and uncertainty in order to be tempted away from the devil we know towards the one that we don’t. But territory that is seemingly strange can soon become familiar. Once that happens, though you are no dog, you will be confident of your many new tricks. And, you will have revamped many of your old ones so that they are more to your liking, if no one else’s.  We invite you to consider supporting our work by becoming a valuable and vitally sustaining ‘Authentic Subscriber’. In return, you will receive a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report prepared by me every week based upon your complete Personal Astrology, not just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price. Together, we’re stronger! For more information, and to subscribe, please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – What are you frightened of more, the wall which seemingly stands in front of you at the moment; or your ability to break through it with the greatest of ease? Are you more afraid of the boredom of remaining within a particular set of circumstances, or the fallout you may have to sort through in order to enjoy your freedom? The hurdle which you face will grow larger by the moment, until you decide to jump over it. Fear not a trip or a fall. If it happens, you are more than capable of brushing yourself off and continuing with safety and ease.  Unleash the unique power of your own personal potential during this profound week of transformative, shifting energy by treating yourself to an In-Depth Personalised Audio Report prepared by me. You’re worth it! For more information ~ and to read testimonials of the Reports ~ please Click Here.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – You have become all too painstakingly clear about what it is that you do not want in your life. And, the shape of what you do want has also become vividly defined. So, what is it that now holds you back? Is it the fear that attaining what you do want will in some way involve a rather large dose of what you don’t want? Knowing that you are deeply sensitive, could it be the concern that what you desire is simply not possible? At the root of both of the mindsets which seemingly have you deadlocked, is one outmoded philosophy. Become clear about that as well, decide you don’t want it anymore and do away with it. The freedom you desire will then be yours.  As Saturn and Mars now move to new sectors of the zodiac, powerful shifts are occurring. I can help you to gain vital clarity and help you to unleash your full ~ and true ~ potential for the coming Times of Change. Consider treating yourself to an intensely therapeutic One Hour Telephone Consultation with me, and you can also avail yourself of an extra treat ~ a Free Month’s Subscription to our Authentic Subscriber Service! For full details of my Consultations and to avail yourself of this offer, please Click Here! You’re worth it.


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 4th October, 2012

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