Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013

Authentic Man
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

Welcome to my Sun Sign Horoscopes, which I hope will assist you with your decision making this week. But, do remember that you have your very own set of complex and unique astrological energies ~ beyond your Sun Sign ~ which influence your life’s opportunities and challenges. To gain a complete picture of the profoundly expansive and positive potential which now unfolds before you as Jupiter begins to move forwards through the cosmos once more, then please consider one of my in-depth, highly empathic, enlightening, positively self-releasing and self-empowering Telephone Consultations!

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Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Aries (21st March – 20th April) – When a seed is in its germination state, does it not feel the weight of the ground above it? As it struggles to reach sunlight, does it not feel restless? You may think plants have no feelings. But then, others might say the same about you. Though you may not like the impulse that you are feeling or the frustration that has been building, it does no good to try to pretend it does not exist. Accept as much and utilise it to your advantage. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months through one of my Telephone Consultations. After all ~ You’re worth it. AM

Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Take care of yourself first, and the rest will eventually sort itself out more effectively. Ahhh, that annoying word eventually again! We don’t like waiting, nor experiencing the stress that we seemingly must in order to break free of a crisis. But when we are through the thick of it, we realise that the hotter the battle, the sweeter the victory. You’ve got a great idea. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But, it is not likely to produce results overnight. Lay the foundation and be patient enough to build your dreams to the stars. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. After all ~ You’re worth it. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) -You quite often question, when you should instead trust. It is easy to doubt yourself. Especially when doing so has previously worked to your advantage in allowing you to see both sides of a confusing situation. But then again, hasn’t it also caused you to procrastinate when you should instead move with certainty? This week, you should definitely trust your hunches, especially if they do not seem rational. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months by becoming a monthly Authentic Subscriber. This service comprises a highly informative 10 Minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me. After all ~ You’re worth it. For more information, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Your creativity is at an all time high. That can certainly work to your advantage But you must also be willing to see with lucid vision and allow a state of confusion to inspire you rather than delude you. A change ultimately needs a little more time to take root before the current chaos can settle. Be patient, but also be imaginative. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months through one of my Telephone Consultations. After all ~ You’re worth it. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – Sometimes 2 and 2 add up to 5. Occasionally, in other dimensions beyond our understanding, e=mc2 has no validity. It’s all a matter of how we choose to respond to such fuzzy math and inexplicable phenomena that either makes all of the difference, … or doesn’t. Why are you blaming yourself? Doing so will not alter your situation and self-negation will only dampen the light that is needed to cut through the current fog. Accept whatever you are facing and persevere. Enjoy the mysterious. Allow bewilderment to entice, rather than frustrate you.  I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. After all ~ You’re worth it. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – Have you begun your ascent without examining the hazards of the climb? Stuck at a point about halfway up? Retreating is more dangerous than advancing. A key relationship is at a crux point. A change needs to happen and you would be ill-advised to back down now even if you think it not possible to create the shift that is now very much needed. Your present situation is not hopeless, but it will take some talking through. Accept that you cannot change another, only yourself. That is the prerequisite for further progress. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months by becoming a monthly Authentic Subscriber. This service comprises a highly informative 10 Minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me. After all ~ You’re worth it. For more information, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – You are only being confronted with a challenge this week so that you find the strength to overcome it. A crisis can also be the harbinger of creativity. Necessity is, after all, the mother of invention. Although you may not be experiencing the type of inspiration which you would prefer to encounter, please try to understand your present dilemma as more of a blessing than a curse. It is presenting you with the opportunity for blowing some cobwebs out of the dark and danky corners of your life so that you may discover a treasure. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months through one of my Telephone Consultations. After all ~ You’re worth it. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – The Universe breathes. As it inhales, it gathers energy. Then it exhales and creates movement and expansion. During Jupiter’s recent retrograde cycle, you have been undergoing a process of not only identifying your strength, but also consolidating it. Now is the time for action. Use your imagination, passionately. Set high standards, then observe as you fulfill them. Powerful change is now possible. But you have to really want it. Be willing to face your fears so the you may taste success. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. After all ~ You’re worth it. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – Approach your present situation with a sense of adventure. Normally, situations which are nebulous do not deter you. But with the current climate as it is, you would like a little more certainty. All you need do is move with the flow. The only way to deal with something which you cannot quite put your finger on is to be fluid in your response to it. Initially, you need determination. But that will only carry you so far. At the point you meet resistance, widen your perspective until you are able to see around a potential problem and straight through to the heart of prosperity. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months by becoming a monthly Authentic Subscriber. This service comprises a highly informative 10 Minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me. After all ~ You’re worth it. For more information, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – A burden may not be as heavy as you think. A perplexing problem can be more easily sorted if you will only try to participate in a more spontaneous and innovative manner. Certainly, you must roll up your sleeves and get down to business. But the task ahead of you has just become, and can continue to be, much easier. You only need understand that a fear only has as much power over you as you allow it. Shift the weight from your shoulders and you shall soon find you are able to accomplish more with not only swifter feet, but also higher spirits. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months through one of my Telephone Consultations. After all ~ You’re worth it. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – Don’t give in to the temptation to self-criticise this week. It will only disrupt the flow of energy and inspiration which is on offer to you. If you feel depressed about the ‘mistakes’ of the past, squash that feeling with a whopping dose of playfulness and capriciousness. The bully of fear may continue to raise his ugly head, but remember that you too know how to say boo! Do so and send him reeling back into the past where he belongs. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. After all ~ You’re worth it. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Prosperity may knock upon your door. But you will be done no service if you do not answer. Upon opening the door, if you then choose to see it see it as a stranger to fear rather than a welcome guest, you will also miss out on opportunity. You must now let your fancy flow freely. Explore your wildest dreams. Trust the visions you are experiencing without question and try to not see synchronicities as mere coincidence. The Universe is talking to you. How can you expect to feel fulfilled if you refuse to listen. I hope that this horoscope benefits you this week. But remember, you are so much more than your Sun Sign. Find out much more in-depth and self-empowering information concerning your own unique potential for growth in the coming weeks and months by becoming a monthly Authentic Subscriber. This service comprises a highly informative 10 Minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me. After all ~ You’re worth it. For more information, please Click Here. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 31st January, 2013


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