Authentic Man (Michael Reed) is proficient in both Western and Eastern ~ or Vedic ~ Astrology. His speciality is in utilising a unique synergy of the two systems. In addition to writing horoscopes and articles he is also a Consulting Astrologer,working with clients worldwide through the medium of his various Astrological Services. He is also an Interfaith Minister, a Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and a Certified Advanced Reiki Practitioner.
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Aries (21st March – 20th April) – It is not possible to move forward whilst your feet are still firmly planted in the past. You have to dive in to the present moment, head first. When you see something that needs to happen, no matter how stark the realisation, what could you ever hope to achieve by resisting the shift? If you dread a change, you need merely initiate it in order to remove any sense of trepidation. There is no turning back now. And that is an exceptionally positive thing! To bring some fresh, inspiring perspective into your life, then please consider one of my range of enlightening Astrological Personalised Audio Reports. These reports are not computer-generated generalisations ~ they are personally prepared, individualised and audio-presented by me, based upon your full birth chart! For more information, please Click Here.
Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Your imagination is piqued and you are right to allow its flight of fancy to whisk you away to where it would choose to lead you. But, do remember to keep a sense of perspective on all that is transpiring. You are likely to feel passionate, but you need to handle this situation with kid gloves rather than utilise a bull in the china shop approach. Push hard by all means. But, do please be aware of any tendency to slip into a state of recklessness. For the equivalent of only $6.00 per week you can receive a highly informative 10 minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me, your own Personal Astrologer! For more information and to become an Authentic Monthly Subscriber, please Click Here.
Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – You may not like everything that you are seeing, but you owe it to yourself to take a look anyway. There may be some painful realisations involved. But, you are also in for a few splendid revelations. You need to allow these latter insights to inspire you to take action. It’s time to peel the layers of armour which have been keeping you from expressing the truth in your heart. But, remember to approach it at the velocity with which keeps you just at the edge of your comfort zone. Only you can set yourself free. To bring some fresh, inspiring perspective into your life, then please consider one of my range of enlightening Astrological Personalised Audio Reports. These reports are not computer-generated generalisations ~ they are personally prepared, individualised and audio-presented by me, based upon your full birth chart! For more information, please Click Here.
Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – An opportunity now arises. But dare you trust it? It seems quite ethereal, such as the stuff dreams are made of. So, it makes it quite difficult to know if you are dreaming, or if it is real. Ouch!!! Sorry had to pinch you! Still there? Well, you can choose not to trust it if you wish. But it will reveal itself in all of its splendour only to the extent that you will now accept its existence. And you can only take advantage of what it has to offer if you avail yourself of the chance that is now present. For the equivalent of only $6.00 per week you can receive a highly informative 10 minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me, your own Personal Astrologer! For more information and to become an Authentic Monthly Subscriber, please Click Here.
Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – You have been going through a rather profound transformation. So, it is no wonder that you are feeling a bit sensitive. Although your heart may be filled with restlessness, it is time to put the pieces back together again and move forward. If you are unsure if you are on the right path, take a step anyway. Notice the firmness of the ground beneath your feet and the ever deepening strength in your heart? To bring some fresh, inspiring perspective into your life, then please consider one of my range of enlightening Astrological Personalised Audio Reports. These reports are not computer-generated generalisations ~ they are personally prepared, individualised and audio-presented by me, based upon your full birth chart! For more information, please Click Here.
Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – If making a crucial decision is a deep source of stress, you can shift the burden from your shoulders by making the choice that feels most inspiring instead of opting for what seems to be the most secure choice. You are dealing a matter of the heart. And although you may have a fear of making yourself vulnerable, trying to analyse a situation will only cause you to miss out on all of the fun you could otherwise be having. You are cautious enough to be careful. But, are you spontaneous and carefree enough to enjoy yourself? For the equivalent of only $6.00 per week you can receive a highly informative 10 minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me, your own Personal Astrologer! For more information and to become an Authentic Monthly Subscriber, please Click Here.
Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Quite often we dumb down our brilliance out of fear. We refuse to fill our own shoes because we think them too big. I could think of several other analogies, but the fact of the matter is that on one level, you know what you are here to achieve. On another however, you are holding yourself back. Don’t fear the change that you now need to make. Although it may be cataclysmic, only a paradigm shift can lead to greater fulfillment. It can never be realised if you are not willing to take the first step. To bring some fresh, inspiring perspective into your life, then please consider one of my range of enlightening Astrological Personalised Audio Reports. These reports are not computer-generated generalisations ~ they are personally prepared, individualised and audio-presented by me, based upon your full birth chart! For more information, please Click Here.
Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – You may be feeling torn. But as the old saying goes, is the cup half empty or half full? If you are feeling as if you do not know which way to turn, be grateful for the fact that you have options. Success adores a prosperous attitude. And, with the creativity that is now beginning to spark from your fingertips, you have the opportunity to be the architect of your own destiny. You can either create your own hell, or remain open to the heaven in your heart. It truly is all decided by how you now wish to view a crucial situation. For the equivalent of only $6.00 per week you can receive a highly informative 10 minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me, your own Personal Astrologer! For more information and to become an Authentic Monthly Subscriber, please Click Here.
Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – The pleasures you are now beginning to experience are far from simple. Truth be known, they are quite complex. Joy is mixed with pain, a small dash of melancholy is thrown in for salty flavouring along a hint of anger and inspiration to spice things up. But although your feelings are complicated, you simply must enjoy and explore them. The way to truth lies the other side of the dense forest of chaos and confusion. Passion and compassion are the twin guides which can now show you the way. To bring some fresh, inspiring perspective into your life, then please consider one of my range of enlightening Astrological Personalised Audio Reports. These reports are not computer-generated generalisations ~ they are personally prepared, individualised and audio-presented by me, based upon your full birth chart! For more information, please Click Here.
Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Your sense of discretion is spot on this week as it joins forces with your intuition. You would do yourself a great disservice to not trust that which you are beginning to witness. Remember, faith feeds the fire which fuels the engines of progress, but reluctance will grind the express train to a halt. Certainly, you may have to endure a bit of discomfort. But when placed in perspective, this is all small stuff. And, you should never sweat the small stuff. For the equivalent of only $6.00 per week you can receive a highly informative 10 minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me, your own Personal Astrologer! For more information and to become an Authentic Monthly Subscriber, please Click Here.
Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – The 9 to 5 world has duped us all into believing that we cannot make a living at that which naturally inspires us. Similarly, a preconceived notion exists that we should not be happy as we go about our work. You now have the opportunity to free yourself from a situation that has been stifling you. Don’t be afraid of deceiving yourself. The opportunity which is now present is real and valid. To bring some fresh, inspiring perspective into your life, then please consider one of my range of enlightening Astrological Personalised Audio Reports. These reports are not computer-generated generalisations ~ they are personally prepared, individualised and audio-presented by me, based upon your full birth chart! For more information, please Click Here.
Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – You have been through quite a process of transformation over the last few years. But, here you now stand stronger and more glorious than ever. Your journey has proven to you the veracity of the statement that it is not enough to merely want something. You have to want it for the right reasons. So, allow the sensation which now fills your heart to bubble over into all of your actions and your universe will do nothing but continue to become sweeter by the moment. For the equivalent of only $6.00 per week you can receive a highly informative 10 minute Personal Audio Report provided every week of the month based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription. And, each report is prepared individually and personally by me, your own Personal Astrologer! For more information and to become an Authentic Monthly Subscriber, please Click Here.
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