Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012

Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

When you know the potential that you are capable of, why would you choose to live in ignorance of it? We dupe ourselves into believing that it is simpler to continue to live with the devil we know than it is to make a profound change that would ultimately be beneficial not just for ourselves, but for the good of all. We are currently under the influence of an intensifying opposition between the Sun and Jupiter in a week which will bring an additional two sharp aspects to Jupiter, one from Mars and the other from Venus. Now that we have come through the Eclipse Portal, we are being asked to expand and choose the path which supports the Deepening Conscious Awareness now becoming available to us. Join me today Wednesday 28th November at 4 pm Pacific Time for another edition of Authentic Astrology Radio. Please also feel free to call in and share your questions, experiences and most of all….your voice. You can do so by calling (619) 924-9759. Together we are stronger!-AM

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Authentic Man is a Vedic and Western Astrologer, Advanced Reiki Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and an Interfaith Minister. To read more about him and his approach to his work, please read the section About Authentic Man

For Publishers

Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Aries (21st March – 20th April) – True strength is the ability to surrender to yourself when you recognise that you are becoming your own worst enemy. Lately you have been deluding yourself into believing you are weak when the reality of the situation is far from the illusion which has been bewitching you. Trust in your capability to innovate. But, remember that a pioneering spirit need not always be tenacious. What you truly need is to see with perspective. This week, that is only likely to come if you drop an opinion to which you are strongly disposed in favour of an option to which may better suit your situation. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my highly empathic and enlightening in-depth Telephone Consultations. In a Time of profound Transformation, we truly do need each other. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Communication is what you need. But, how can you expect to get it from another when your own internal processes of communication have recently begun to break down? I’m not suggesting that you carry on verbal conversations with yourself in public. But, then again, I am not suggesting that you don’t. There is something which you need to take a look at, a philosophy or belief that simply isn’t working and is holding you down like a lead weight.The type of future you desire should be strived after, even if you think it unattainable, You owe it to yourself to push against the boundaries you are perceiving. Otherwise you will never break through. Ignore not the voice of imagination. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. In Times of profound Transformation, we need each other more than ever. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – So, your first approach didn’t work. Come to think of it, neither did your second. What could the answer be? Try both of them at the same time? Why not? Only you could be capable of initiating such a feat and maintaining it. But, if you are going to try such silliness, I recommend that you only do so as a distraction, keeping your mind entertained whilst feeling like you are at least putting forth an effort. Then, miraculously, the moment of insight will come. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my highly empathic and enlightening in-depth Telephone Consultations. In a Time of profound Transformation, we truly do need each other. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – A conflict of values or ideas has you questioning what it is that you truly believe in. That is good, as it will turn you into a true seeker and now is an ideal time for exploration. But, it is also of prime importance that you maintain those matters in which you feel a deep sense of conviction. If certain key interactions are presently causing you grief, give them a bit more attention and patience. There is clarity to be gained through the process of reflection. Try to understand where another may be reflecting back to you certain key aspects of your own persona. If  what you are seeing is ennervating, make an adjustment within. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. In Times of profound Transformation, we truly need each other more than ever. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – I am going to toss a paradigm shift your way. Do with it what you will. Lasting inner security is not something that can be created through external means. It is only something that you can discover within yourself through self-acceptance and then, with perseverance,  maintain through the trials of time. That being said, you do need to be more ambitious this week in order to reach your highest of goals. But you must also be flexible and willing to learn. Practice makes perfect, so practice patience and perspicacity. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my highly empathic and enlightening in-depth Telephone Consultations. In a Time of profound Transformation, we truly do need each other. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – You are feeling uncertain as to whether you should stay firmly planted or move with the impulses that are peeking your interest. Are you more inclined to stay put? Not sure of whether you should speak what you think, or simply keep your mouth shut? You need to express what you feel, otherwise you will never receive the type of honest interaction that comes from clarity. Sooner or later, there will come a point where the stirrings you are feeling within should be acted upon. But for the present, you are on a fact-finding mission. The answer will come soon. And when it does, remember to be flexible and adapt. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. In Times of profound Transformation, we truly need each other more than ever. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – Self-doubt and self-pity are just as egotistical as self-agrandisement, perhaps even more so. Whilst it may be positive to weigh you heart in balance against your mind, only your soul will ultimately know if the scales have been tilted in either’s favour. That kind of precise measurement cannot be found or discovered through critically picking yourself apart. The Lunar Eclipse suggests that whilst you should be flexible in other matters, you should pursue your aspirations with passion and be firm in your convictions rather than doubting yourself . Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my highly empathic and enlightening in-depth Telephone Consultations. In a Time of profound Transformation, we truly do need each other. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – Sometimes it can be painful to wait for your Universal Marching Orders, especially when there is somewhere that you’d much rather be. You are a person of great vision. But that which is forming within you is waiting for a moment of clarification.  You now need to see from a more panoramic perspective. Perfect the fine art of passionate restlessness and wait for your one moment of release. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. In Times of profound Transformation, we truly need each other more than ever. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – Quite often, you criticise yourself for desiring the things that you do. But, there is absolutely nothing wrong with knowing yourself and your needs. And your deepest need is independence. In order for any type of connection in which you may be involved to work, you must respect your free spirit. Is the fear which is currently holding you back yours? Or, is it someone else’s? Explore the realms of your imagination. Creativity leads to a new solution, not criticism. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my highly empathic and enlightening in-depth Telephone Consultations. In a Time of profound Transformation, we truly do need each other. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – There is a momentum building inside of you that you would be ill-advised to ignore. Yet, at the same time, you mustn’t behave rashly. There is a goal you wish to achieve. But, you are uncertain of how to get there. Obviously you would rather have a road map than to merely trust in your intuition. But, you are simply going to have to follow your hunches at the moment, even if they don’t offer you any sense of certainty. Be creative and trust in the deepest stirrings of your heart. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. In Times of profound Transformation, we truly need each other more than ever. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – Are you currently finding the familiarity of your fears more comforting than an opportunity to explore new territory? Pardon the pun. But, that’s pretty scary. And, I think it only fair that I try to pull you back from the brink. Don’t become too concerned about pushing for your freedom when instead you only need to accept that it exists. Tying yourself up in knots and pushing passionately in order to avoid being held back will ultimately get you nowhere. Criticise not yourself nor another; instead see how shifting the manner in which you relate to yourself could alter both relationships for the better. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my highly empathic and enlightening in-depth Telephone Consultations. In a Time of profound Transformation, we truly do need each other. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Pisceans are notorious for questioning themselves. When it comes to the process of evolution, this can often times be quite positive. But, it is not always helpful to talk yourself out of something that you are sure of. It is hard to discern between the voice of intuition and a strongly driven emotion such as fear. But, the restless energy you are feeling this week does not make you a scaredy cat; instead it proves your sagacity and you should, by all means heed it. There is nothing to fear and much to gain by being real. Please consider supporting the work of Authentic Astrology through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. In Times of profound Transformation, we truly need each other more than ever. Thank You. AM


Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012


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