Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 11th October, 2012

Authentic Man (Michael Reed0

If you missed this week’s edition of Authentic Astrology Radio~Astrology is Live!, you can still listen to the show by Clicking Here. The topic for the show is the approaching trine between Mars and Uranus, the tense alignment between Jupiter and Saturn, and the Libra New Moon! Please remember to Listen Live every Thursday at 9pm PDT in the US!

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Aries (21st March – 20th April) – Although a change is absolutely vital, Mars shifting to a new sector of the sky finds your already fiery nature bordering on a conflagration. The flames of passion can stoke the engines of progress to propel you towards your day with destiny. But, the needs of another must also be considered if you wish to keep them on board. A balance must be found. Though you may feel dissatisfied at having to slow your pace, doing so will not only provide a much needed shift within a personal relationship, but also keep the flames fueled so that the fire you need burns strongly without fizzling out. Allow me to help you find that necessary balance and spark the flames of change in the most positive manner through a profoundly therapeutic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Right now, you can also benefit from a FREE one month’s subscription to our Authentic Subscriber service when you order a Consultation. Together, we are stronger.


Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Certainly there is a risk involved. But, if you truly want change you will be willing to take a chance. You could alter your way of thinking in order to please another, but whose life is it anyway? Are you being stubborn? Well, perhaps. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily. Although evolution occasionally requires the willingness to surrender one viewpoint in order to explore another, some things are sacred and should remain that way. At your essence, you know what is right for you. Dare to dream. I can help you along your path of dreams, if you care to allow me. My range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports provide you with valuable insight into the current opportunities available to you. Together, we are stronger. For more information, please Click Here.


Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – The mind, when tapped into the Soul, can travel at light speed. When influenced by the ego, our mental processes can also move at immeasurable speeds.  So, when the ego offers you a seemingly simpler path, why not accept it? Because, its pace is frantic and chaotic. But, doesn’t chaos also lead to creativity? Certainly, but not the type that you now need. The path of Self-Awareness is a difficult one to tread. But, it truly does offer greater reward. Allow your mind’s current pace to slow so that you may hear the voice of intuition presently drowned by a droning cacophony. You shall soon find yourself traveling at warp speed towards a more pleasing destination. I can help to ease your path along your journey through life’s choices and challenges. Become an Authentic Subscriber, and you will receive a 15 minute personalised audio report based upon your complete birth chart every week; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on an intensely therapeutic one hour Telephone Consultation with me. Together, we are stronger. For more information, and to read Subscriber Testimonials, please Click Here.


Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Creativity, at its most refined, flows from the realm of inspiration, arising from some unknown quarter. Discovering its roots requires a compass that can be held only by the heart. The mind in its insanity will only lose you further in the forest making you subject to the very thing that you wish to avoid. Worrying about stability is something which is destined to keep you poised upon the precipice. What you now need to do is to make a leap of faith. Please do so before you receive a cosmic push. I can help you with that leap, if you will allow, through the intensely therapeutic and enlightening means of an in-depth Telephone Consultation. Right now, you can also benefit from a FREE one month’s subscription to our Authentic Subscriber service when you order a Consultation. Together, we are stronger.


Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – How can you know if the time is right for your big idea? The only way to obtain any notion of whether it is or not is by putting your plans in motion and seeing how things go. I know that you may have been looking for a more certain answer. But, what good is life without mystery? And how joyful can the harvest be without the planting and cultivation; the trials and errors? Passion is on your side at the moment. All that you need do is to trust yourself and your abilities. There are some things you can never be confident of. But if you try, you can always be sure of yourself. I can assist you with cementing that certainty within yourself, through the means of one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we are stronger. For more information, please Click Here.


Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – You can be frustrated with a constantly changing situation, or you can roll with what the Universe is sending your way. Either way, the winds of change will continue to blow. Look, no one said it was going to be easy. Although the challenges you face are extremely challenging, they serve a very vital purpose. You are being asked to hone your creative skills by learning to innovate, and to trust. Analysing matters may help, but only slightly .  Ultimately you will fall short of the mark. Faith will guide you higher. I can help to guide you towards the vital new skills you will need to acquire along your path’s journey through life. By becoming an Authentic Subscriber, you will receive a 15 minute personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart every week. In addition, you will also receive a twice yearly 50% discount on a one hour Telephone Consultation, to be used at your personal discretion. Together, we are stronger. For more information and to read the Subscriber Testimonials, please Click Here.


Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – The thrill of wild abandon is an indescribable sensation, and should definitely be enjoyed. But, it is also prudent to recognise that it is difficult to be objective when you are being swept away into the realm of subjectivity. Keep one eye on the shore from the sea. Something is not complete, and you know it. Remain open to insight. A missing piece of the puzzle shall soon appear. Ignore not that which is now opening up for you, but also forget not that which is now seemingly behind you. I can help you to recognise and put in place that vital piece of missing puzzle through an intensely therapeutic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Right now, you can also receive a FREE one month’s subscription to our Authentic Subscribers’ service when you order a Consultation. Together, we are stronger. For more information, please Click Here.


Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – With both Saturn and Mercury having recently entered your sign, you can see with great clarity how a change could be made that would alter your life for the better. Yet, you also know that there is something very special you would like to preserve in the process. Safeguarding this, you sense, needs a bit more time. But, the burning urge you feel inside is too passionate to ignore. Be patient, a firm foundation may be created more quickly than you fear possible.  And, like a fine wine, a richer bouquet develops with time. I can help you to achieve the necessary patience in order that you can reap a richer harvest, if you will allow, through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we are stronger. For more information, please Click Here.


Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – If the scenery stays the same for much longer you will take root. But, unlike a tree, you will not grow from doing so. You are beginning to feel the pull of new horizons. You can try to ignore this if you wish. But, if you do, you are being true neither to yourself, nor others. In opting for that path, everyone suffers. Now is a time for re-evaluation as you are beginning to understand your needs more clearly. Anything, or anyone that keeps you chained and bound needs gentle coaxing to unleash the fetters. Your plans need to alter in order to embrace a wider perspective and allow the opportunity for expansion. I can help you with the constant ebb and flow of life’s challenges and choices, if you will allow. By becoming an Authentic Subscriber, you will receive a 15 minute personal audio report every week of the month, in addition to a twice yearly 50% discount on a one hour intensely therapeutic Telephone Consultation with me. Together, we are stronger. For more information, please Click Here.


Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Sometimes, we get so used to things being a certain way that once they shift, we find it hard to believe that the change is actually occurring. But, please don’t pinch yourself too hard. It is definitely happening. Doubt not what is possible. Be imaginative. But also recognise that lasting and secure change takes time. In your need to break free from the framework of the past, don’t destroy what could be the foundation for your future. I can help you to lay that vital and new, stronger foundation for your life, if you will allow, through one of my intensely therapeutic and enlightening Telephone Consultations. Right now, you can also receive a FREE one month’s subscription to our Authentic Subscriber Service when you order a Consultation. Together, we are stronger. For more information, please Click Here.


Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – You find yourself confronting a bit of a dilemma this week. You want to move forward, yet you feel boxed in. But, I think that ‘feel’ is the key word in that sentence. There is a decision which you now must make; to be dutiful, or to choose a path that seems more fulfilling. The first path seems much more stable. But, the second seems more tantalising. There is one particular choice that you could make wherein you would be both responsible and adventurous. Make yourself your first commitment and choose the path that makes you happiest. There is far more security in a contented life than there is in depression. I can help you to make that vital and life-changing decision, if you will allow, through one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we are stronger. For more information, please Click Here.


Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Under regular circumstances, I would urge a restless spirit to practice caution when banking on a hunch. The realm of imagination is often enflamed by the fires of passion to the extent that intuition can be disturbed. But, these are no regular circumstances. You need to let that gypsy spirit guide you this week. The current cosmic climate finds you searching your feelings. But, you need to break through your fear of making yourself vulnerable in order to find your strength. Whenever we lay our heart on the line, we stand the chance of being  disappointed. But elation and ecstasy come only to a soul that is open to adventure. I can help you to gain the confidence necessary to free and follow that elevating gypsy spirit to the heights of ecstasy, if you will allow. By becoming an Authentic Subscriber, you will receive a 15 minute personalised audio report based upon your complete birth chart every week of the month. In addition, you will also receive a twice yearly 50% discount on a one hour intensely therapeutic and enlightening Telephone Consultation with me, to be used at your own discretion. Together, we are stronger. For more information, and to read Subscriber Testimonials, please Click Here.


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