Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 10th January, 2013

Authentic Man
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

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Aries (21st March – 20th April) – Just because an idea seems radical, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is not prudent. Just because your mind is generating thoughts that go against the grain, it doesn’t mean that there is something wrong or that you are incorrect in doing so. Look for an insight this week that falls outside of the realm of  ‘normal’. It may mean taking a gamble. By all means be prudent, but be equally willing to explore. Gather information so that when the moment is right, you will be ready. For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 10 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – Fervent devotion to a belief can sometimes be constructive, but quite often it can function to your demise. Take for instance, if we refuse to see things from a different angle thereby denying our beliefs to broaden in their scope and thereby deepen. Adherence to dogma can be negative. But openness and understanding can carry you far. Be willing to at least consider a point of view you might otherwise discount. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger. AM


Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – ‘I think therefore I am.’ Well, what are you when you don’t think? Something other than what you thought. And that’s most excellent. Try not to analyse your situation too deeply this week. Although you may be tempted to cross examine it, pick it apart and otherwise generally drive yourself crazy over something which ultimately may not matter as much as you think, you would presently serve yourself better by adopting a more detached perspective.  You can gain both the clarity and wider perspective you currently need through investing wisely in one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – You have recently integrated a vital lesson in understanding just how deeply you need to value your own needs within your personal relationships. This week brings that process to a climax with a New Moon and the presence of four other planets in the sector of your chart dealing with relationships. Whenever the Cosmos delivers such a heaping dose of planetary energy in a sign, it wants you to get something right. Don’t allow yourself to settle for second best. Why preserve something that is stale when you deserve a life that is refreshing and rewarding? For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 10 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – No one likes to feel embarrassed or as if their dignity has been dealt a coup d’ grace. But a sense of humility is far more respectful than an arrogant attitude. If you can muster the wherewithal to accept that you may be wrong this week, you can become privy to a vital piece of information, It may make you feel uneasy at first as it may go against the fabric of all that you have previously thought. But, try it on for size. You shall eventually like the fit! Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger! AM


Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – Let it come to you. Don’t force it. You may feel compelled to do so, but please try to resist the temptation. True creativity is natural. It comes of its own volition and you are merely a channel. But remember, although it only takes a spark to start a flame, it must be fed by fuel to continue providing its warmth. Too much wood on a fire can smother it and cause the flame to dampen. The proper measure is what you need this week. But that by no means implies that you should get out your ruler and start obsessing. You can gain both the clarity and wider perspective you currently need through investing wisely in one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – When you are firm and clear in your convictions and secure within yourself, it is amazing what you are able to achieve. Determination, however, can often go awry. Without a degree of flexibility and a willingness to not only make mistakes but also to learn from them, ultimately no progress can ever be made or maintained. Be certain of one thing only, that it is good to question.  For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 10 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – Believe it or not, you can step up your independent nature to an even higher level, and that’s saying quite a lot for a Scorpio. Now is the time fore redefining your beliefs, changing your mind daily and making no apologies to anyone for doing so. A New World is opening up to you. You may be feeling slightly irritated or depressed, but that is only arising as an impetus for change. See it as such. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger! AM


Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – You certainly would not let anyone else stop you from trying to realise your aspirations by suggesting that they were simply unattainable, so why are you trying to convince yourself of the same? Embark upon a journey, by all means. But, have the persistence to see it through to its destination. Be wiling to alter your course along the way and allow for a few wild detours, and all will be well. You can gain both the clarity and wider perspective you currently need through investing wisely in one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – Don’t disassemble yourself unless there you have the firm intent of putting yourself back together again. We can build a better Capricorn, but first we must discover the things that did and did not work in the old model. Fear? Gotta go. Incessant worry? Ditto! At your core is a wellspring of strength and power. You can now tap into it but you may first need to descend to the depths. Try to see the process as one that is helpful. Treat it as such and you shall ultimately prosper. For just $6.00 per week you can have access to your own personal astrologer! ~ and receive a weekly 10 minute in-depth personal audio report based upon your complete birth chart ~ personally prepared by me. Be a vital part of our team and become an Authentic Subscriber ~ and thereby support all the conscious work of Authentic Astrology. Together, we’re stronger. AM


Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – A New Moon and the presence of five planets in the sector of your chart governing the past has you reminiscing and niggling over the details of a life now fading into the fog of your personal emotional scrapbook. You don’t need to closely examine the images that make you feel critical of yourself. If you can gain a moment of insight, digest it. But then move on with the process of liberating yourself from the shackles of the past. You are free to do and think as you desire. Invest wisely in your future with the assistance of one of my enlightening and clarifying astrological Telephone Consultations. We’re working for Change ~ and, together we’re stronger! AM


Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Sometimes the very fact that something seems impossible provides the impulse to make it a reality. Especially if you have the mind of a Piscean. Imagination runs wild. Where there is an obstacle, you look for a way around it. But, don’t allow tunnel vision to develop. One pointed focus is not what you want. A broad panorama is much more desirable. Widen the horizon of your dreams towards a more encompassing vision. You can gain both the clarity and wider perspective you currently need through investing wisely in one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports. Together, we’re stronger. AM



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