Vishakha 7th April, 2015 – Realignment

There is a process of realignment that is going on. The scales are shifting. You are adjusting to the process and have felt that you can bear to wait. But now, uncertainty begins to set in as you feel as if your strength is waning. So, you feel tempted to act with the reserves that you still have left, But to do so would be foolish. Allow a little more time. It is something that you can afford to do.

In a couple of days time, Jupiter will shift to forward motion. Work that has been done internally shall soon have a chance to bear fruit. This precedes a tense series of alignments mid month which will likely stir the pot and break down the ossified structures which have been responsible for feelings of ‘stuck’ energy. If you would like to know the areas of your life impacted by these alignments, please consider one of my Astrological Services.

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