Vishakha 21st November, 2014 – An Abundance of Opportunity

You’re strong enough to overcome this small disturbance. There’s no need to let the stirring of a sensitivity inflate into a full blown issue. When you follow that fear, it will lead you down every dark alleyway until it finally has you where it wants you, paralysed and unable to act. Could it actually be that you are now imagining an issue where there is actually an abundance of opportunity? Quite likely!

Pluto and Uranus have been involved in a rather intense interaction off and on since 2011. In mid December, their aspect will once again become exact. They will again reconnect in mid-March before finally moving on from their series of exact aspects. You can find out about the impact of these explosive events on your Personal Astrology through one of my vast range of Astrological Aspects!

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