Endurance will turn the tide. Yet, who really wants to wait? When you are ready for your ship to set sail, the sooner the tide can turn, the better. Good things come to those who wait? Hmmmm….my primal instincts are telling me that if I don’t act soon then the outcome I will be subjected to through waiting will be bad rather than good. Life in limboland is not always pleasant, especially when one senses that something exceptionally tantalising awaits just around the corner. But, it really is true that a bit of patience will pay off under the current astrological climate. However, time is wasted by sitting still. And, dare I pull out yet another age old adage. Idle hands are the devils workshop. They never seem to go into explaining that one in fullness. Sometimes idle hands can lead to a busy mind that runs rampant eventually missing out on an opportunity that crops up at an unexpected moment.

On Tuesday 18th March, Venus completes a harmonious alignment with the planet of the radically random, Uranus. Venus is presently transiting the tropical sign of Aquarius and the Vedic Lunar Mansion of Sravana. Venus’ gift to the cosmos is that of refinement, healing and nourishment. In Sravana, an adjustment needs to be made. A process needs to be completed. A revamping must occur. All of this leads to a greater awakening, a widened vantage point which opens eyes to an opportunity that might have otherwise been invisible. Sravana grants us the capacity, when we avail ourselves of its benefit, to see with more than just our eyes and to listen with more than just our ears. Through and elevated functioning of sensory awareness, we tune into the Celestial Music and align ourselves with its rhythm.

Venus Sextiles Uranus March 2014 - A Holiday in LimbolandUranus is presently transiting tropical Aries, sparking creativity and favouring action. However, Uranus is in the Lunar Mansion of Revati; the portion of the zodiac relating to the ending of a cycle, the endurance of time before the next cycle of creation has begun. An in-between phase is occurring. Although all shall not be silent in terms of movement, the mind in its egoic pursuits must be quietened to the degree that the spark may be lit by the Cosmic Prometheus. The fires of awareness can then only be sustained through constant nourishment. A status quo is thankfully being overturned. But, in due time.

Trust that you will not have waited in vain. Dampen frustration to the extent that it is tempered and transmuted into creativity. Be not idle, but set your sights towards preparations for the next cycle. Be not perplexed into confusion through trying to understand something which is necessarily mysterious. All will reveal itself as it needs to. In the meantime, enjoy your Holiday in Limboland.

If you have long wanted to learn the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology, I am currently offering a course. The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology – The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology – A Foundation Level Course also includes the option to take and pay for the course one class at a time. For more information, please Click Here.