There are very few instances where it is possible to justify passing judgement upon others. There is much wisdom in the old saying – ‘people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.’

Plutonian Chronicles
Human hypocrisy is rife. We use it to justify our own ideologies and desires. Where in your life might this be happening? Now is a positive Time to take a deep look within your own glass house(s).
Simply because something – or someone – comes with a label marked ‘authority‘, or ‘expert‘ , does not mean that it – or they – is or are immune from the nature of life, and its susceptibility to fallibility.
Be wary of hypocrisy, both in others and yourself. Seek to bring happiness, peace, and to alleviate suffering – without violence or arrogance.
I wish you a peaceful, wealthy, healthy, inspiring and happy week. PC
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