Venus Quincunx Saturn March 2012 – Instant Karma

Venus Quincunx Saturn March 2012 - Instant Karma
Brother Gull

Instant Karma’s gonna get you
Gonna knock you off your feet
Better recognize your brothers
Every one you meet
Why in the world are we here?
Surely not to live in pain and fear
Why on earth are you there?
When you’re everywhere
Come and get your share. – John Lennon, Instant Karma

Some of us, it would seem, never grow past nursery school. And that is an insult to children, for at least they are innocent in their behaviour. When we cannot have our way, we stamp our feet, throw a tantrum and insist that the Universe bend to our will. Instead, it is us who should be malleable. Rather than doing so, we up the ante, wrongfully thinking that strengthening our resolve will provide the needed impetus to shift the balance of the scales to our favour. Although we can certainly try to ‘bully’ other people, and occasionally achieve a degree of success, this modus operandi does not produce successful results when directed against a force towards which we should instead adopt a sense of humility. For if we don’t, we shall soon discover that the schoolyard bully has met its match.

On Saturday, 31st March, two harsh alignments coincide with a Cancerian Moon, bombarding sensitivities and shaking security to its very root. But where our attitudes and ideals have become encrusted, this can only serve to benefit. Even if the initial response is one of disconcertment, a little embarrassment never hurt anyone…. except the arrogant. On this day, retrograde Mars will form a sharp alignment, known as a quincunx, with Uranus. Coincidentally, Venus and retrograde Saturn will be forming the same aspect.

Mars, in its cycle of retrogradation in Virgo, is now transiting the Lunar Mansion of Magha. Over time, through receiving a specific response to a certain action, we begin to falsely believe that the same set of circumstances will continue to yield the desired result. But Pavlov’s dog is occasionally left drooling to a ringing bell which heralds not the arrival of food and is thereby left wanting.

Uranus, to which Mars’ sharp aspect will be applied, is currently in the sign of Aries and the Lunar Mansion of Uttara Bhadrapada. This energy is uncertain and stormy, waiting to direct its energy in full force and at some unknown moment at an ego that has grown too big for its boots. Should you be on the receiving end of this, don’t be too surprised to find yourself on your backside. A measure of unpretentiousness can help to soften the blow.

Venus is presently in its home sign of Taurus and the Lunar Mansion of Krittika. Obstinacy will meet with resistance until its headstrong stance is weakened. When we deny the truth, it breaks down the barricades behind which we have entrenched ourselves. However, when we resolve our souls towards truth’s realisation it welcomes us warmly.

Retrograde Saturn is presently in Libra, also ruled by Venus making this particular alignment ever more conflagrant. As it is transiting the Lunar Mansion of Chitra, it warns that chest-thumping or other ostentatious acts shall soon be brought to justice. We can either view such correction as harsh or unfair punishment, or recognise it as a lesson in humility designed to align our actions with that of Universal Will.

When our inner world is one of superseding others, rather than one of acceptance and equality, we can only continue to live in isolation, not only from our neighbours but also from our own True Essence. Why must we further a world of competition for resources, threatening the survival of others? How many are trampled underfoot in each individual’s quest for the Golden Goose? We all ultimately suffer from such insanity. It need not continue, and mustn’t.

‘The life of a single human being is worth a million times more than all the property of the richest man on earth.’ – Che Guevara


Venus Quincunx Saturn March 2012 - Instant Karma
Authentic Man

As time progresses, 2012 promises to be a massively transformative year in the evolution, and revolution of Human Consciousness. To understand the impact it will have upon your Personal Astrology, why not consider one of my Telephone Consultations?

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Venus Quincunx Saturn March 2012 - Instant Karma

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