During the coming days, be open to messages from your ‘dream world’. Whenever you experience an intense dream which you experience as ‘very real’, in terms of feeling as though you are truly ‘in that dream’ – don’t be quick to dismiss it when you return to this realm.
Because, right now, the Universe has an important message for you. A message from the ‘past’ – fast-tracked to right here in the ‘present’ – for you to take onwards into your ‘future’. What can you learn from it? You can’t change what has been – the choices you have made. But, you may be able to glean some important news about the subtleties of certain situations and scenarios from ‘the past’ which, up until now, had eluded you. This can assist you in gaining vital understanding of not only one, but a whole chain of relationship ‘issues’ or ‘complications’; and, in addition, it can help you to bring healing to your still raw emotional wounds. It can do this through two major factors – Awareness, and Understanding.
Back to the present: perhaps you are now feeling somewhat ‘torn in two’ between two seemingly opposing pulls upon your heart; both of which are very dear to you, for their own unique reasons. One of these ‘pulls’ is likely to relate to the present – but, is somehow inextricably linked to something which you hold dear in your heart for the next phase of your life. Something is holding you in your current situation, yet you are concerned lest this prevents you from attaining the vision you have for expansion.

Plutonian Chronicles
Where this feeling is present, trust that all is as it should be, however nervous of making a ‘mistake’ you may be. Hold fast to the present situation, whilst simultaneously holding on to your vision for what comes next. Both of these tableaux are very correct at this point in Time. Try to have faith in this. Don’t risk breaking your heart over losing what is dear to you in the moment. Give it the Time it needs to play itself out, naturally. It needs this Time. At the same time, make plans and begin to put effort into your new, hopeful and inspiring vision.
These ‘pulls’ upon your heart can, and will, balance themselves out. And, allow some space in your heart – and mind – for a few unexpected ‘miracles’ to occur this week. Breakthroughs can come through innovation, in addition to inspiration. Unexpected communications can make all the difference where it is so desired – and needed.
Gain clarity. Gain vital wisdom. Stay with the present; but, hold fast to your dream. Then; all will be well. PC
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