Vedic Lunar Scopes: Magha New Moon 17th August, 2012 – Hazardous Pride

Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

For Self-Awareness to deepen, an individual must develop the capacity to become Self-Sensory. Such an approach utilises the sensory organs for their truest purpose, that of tuning in to our environment and our own reaction to it. Otherwise, we are merely groping in the dark reacting without any authentic understanding of the reasons for our responses. But when we act with awareness and spiritual discernment, the pattern behind our actions becomes crystal clear. Be conscious of any ‘knee-jerk’ reactions to a difficult situation today. A FREE One Hour Telephone Consultation is available to you. Every new subscriber to our monthly recurring Authentic Subscribers’ Service will currently receive a FREE 1 Hour Telephone Consultation with Authentic Man. Our Monthly Subscriber Service comprises a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report provided every week based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, an additional twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price. For more information, or to subscribe, please Click Here. Together, we are stronger.

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