Vedic Lunar Scope: Vishakha 12th March, 2012 – Set Your Course

Vedic Lunar Scope: Vishakha 12th March, 2012 - Set Your Course
Authentic Man

When we resist the Universal Flow, we swim against the tide of consciousness. We can then only go under, sinking to the bottom until, in a spiritual sense, we die and are born anew with a deeper realisaton and recognition gained from our trials. But when we accept the Truth rather than deny it, no storm or gale can sink our ship. Our sails are filled as we blow with the wind. The tide is now high, but the the wind is at your back. Let it fill your sails. The first exactitude of angle in the Grand Earth Trine is reached tomorrow. The potential of this rare alignment is massive. We are being asked to face our fears.But, if we are courageous, we are rewarded. To avail yourself of the full opportunity of this rare alignment, please consider either one of my In-depth Personalised Audio Reports based upon your Complete Astrology, or one of my Telephone Consultation packages. Through either of these mediums, you will find out about the impact of this profound aspect upon your Complete Personal Astrology.

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Vedic Lunar Scope: Vishakha 12th March, 2012 - Set Your Course

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