Holding to a sense of ethics requires patience, forbearance and fortitude. It is no easy process. One is likely to be judged harshly and occasionally ridiculed. It is a test of dignity and the integrity of one’s Soul. The same is also true for those who work for social justice. A challenge is always involved. And the fruits of one’s labours seldom come swiftly. Resistance presents the opportunity for purification and the subsequent strengthening of resolve. Rise to the occasion and meet it with nobility. A powerful, rare and harmonious aspect known as the Grand Earth Trine is building energetic intensity as we approach mid-month. To find out how to avail yourself of the full potential of this powerful alignment, please consider either one of my In-depth Personalised Audio Reports based upon your Complete Astrology, or one of my Telephone Consultation packages. Through either of these mediums, you will find out about the impact of this intense and transformational aspect upon your Complete Personal Astrology.
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