Authentic Man (Michael Reed)
We can never be perfectly certain of the information that we are receiving from our senses. Yet, there are times when prevarication is no longer an option. The Universe is requiring a commitment from us in one direction or another. Ultimately, it seeks the utilisation of our free will and the development of not only self-understanding, but also the deepening of empathy for others with whom we interact. Now is a time for reflecting upon your intent. If it is pure and originates from the heart then it is righteous and only goodness can prevail. Your Heart wants to triumph over darkness, but first it must discover in totality its own Light. Our Authentic Subscribers’ Service can help you to develop that understanding. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service is comprised of a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report provided every week based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price, to be used at your discretion. For more information, please click here.