Vedic Lunar Scope: Rohini 7th March, 2014 - The Insanity of ShouldSometimes we become so caught up in the ‘shoulds’ of life that simplicity is lost. Fear takes its toll on us, driving us to actions which a sane mind would not undertake. A clear mind sees reality. One filled with panic sees a crisis. It is deluded and once the spell is cast it is hard to break. Take a broader view. Something positive has been created which, if nourished can create the solution you need. Trust that.

I will be holding a workshop The Lunar Mansions: Fine Tuning the Music of the Spheres at the Kairos School of Astrology in Glastonbury, UK 8th March, 2014. Advanced registration for the course is £50. Course is by pre-registration only and space is reserved. For more information on the course, please Click Here.

About Michael Reed