Calm and Clarity
The Winds of Change blow intensely with gale force. The Tide comes rushing in with Passion dashing into the Rocks. It is easy to get caught up in Drama. And, if the Transformation you are experiencing is shifting you to an Enjoyable Space at a Rapid Pace, then when Enthusiasm Ebbs, you are left with Uncertainty. All can change in a Moment. Maintain Vigilance and Awareness. Allow that which is seemingly torrential to Cleanse, but don’t get Washed Away or Cast Adrift.
Bolster Self-Knowledge and Self-Awareness. As the Portal between the Solar and Lunar Eclipse is now open, a Special Offer is currently available on our range of Telephone Consultations. One Hour Consultations are now available for only $40, Two One Hour Sessions for $80 and Four One Hour Consultations for $160. To benefit from this opportunity, available until December 10th, please Contact Us at authenticastrology@gmail.com.