Vedic Lunar Scope: Punarvasu 27th April, 2012 – Polish for the Coal

Vedic Lunar Scope: Punarvasu 27th April, 2012 - Polish for the Coal
Authentic Man

Quite often, we trap ourselves in a state of purgatory when our release from suffering is readily available to us. We face a challenge, and rather than resolving ourselves to muster the courage to surpass it, we instead resign ourselves to wallowing in a state of self-pity. An obstacle is an opportunity to excel. Pressure is polish for the coal, transforming it into a rare and precious gem. Find the strength within your Heart and you will also find the determination necessary for success. A massively transformational time is once again upon us. We are under the influence of a Grand Earth Trine between the Sun, Mars and Pluto as we approach a Solar Eclipse in Gemini in late May. To understand the impact of this profound Astrological Climate upon your Personal Astrology, I invite you to have a Telephone Consultation!

Please join me on FACEBOOK for further Astrological Insight.

Vedic Lunar Scope: Punarvasu 27th April, 2012 - Polish for the Coal

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