Vedic Lunar Scope: Partial Solar Eclipse in Anuradha – The Philosopher’s Stone

Vedic Lunar Scope: Partial Solar Eclipse in Anuradha - The Philosopher's Stone

All of our interactions with others are tainted by lack of Self-Awareness. Similarly, in truly knowing ourselves, our relationships become more lucid and balanced, as there is less room for confusion or false projection. Yet, it is often only through the Fires of Chaos, Confusion and Challenge that such clear reflection can be gained….‘Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenfies Occultum Lapidem – Through visiting the depths of Earth is the Hidden Stone Discovered’. By going to the deepest most feared recesses of our Being, we gain Wisdom of both the Light and the Dark. From such a space it becomes possible for forces seemingly opposed to be united, and thus the Philosopher’s Stone attained.

Vedic Lunar Scope: Partial Solar Eclipse in Anuradha - The Philosopher's StoneBolster Self-Knowledge and Self-Awareness. As the Portal between the Solar and Lunar Eclipse is now open, a Special Offer is currently available on Telephone Consultations. One Hour Consultations are now available for only $40, Two One Hour Sessions for $80 and Four One Hour Consultations for $160. To avail yourself of this opportunity available until December 10th, please Contact Us at


Vedic Lunar Scope: Partial Solar Eclipse in Anuradha - The Philosopher's Stone

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