Vedic Lunar Scope: Mrigasira 8th September, 2012 – The Inner Rebel

Vedic Lunar Scope: Mrigasira 8th September, 2012 - The Inner Rebel
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

When life leads us down a path which is difficult to tread, the natural impulse is to be motivated to change our course. We rebel against the restraints which we feel upon us, asserting ourselves against an apparent enemy. Yet, it is not merely enough to desire change, nor to take action to bring it into being. We must always remember that  although free will is ours to exercise, we are not in charge. It is only through aligning with our Soul that truly positive potential can be actualised. All else is a learning curve. The meeting of two souls is a very sacred occasion. And, every relationship is unique. Authentic Astrology is now happy to offer Relationship Consultations. Relationship Consultations can show the strengths which two individuals can have as a couple and the areas that may require work in order to keep their relationship sailing smoothly through all of life’s storms. For more information, or to order, please Click Here.

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Vedic Lunar Scope: Mrigasira 8th September, 2012 - The Inner Rebel

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