Vedic Lunar Scope: Mrigasira 12th August, 2012 – Frantically Electric

Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

Where there is dissatisfaction, a balance must now be found and maintained. But occasionally, the mind can become too electrically frantic in its pursuit of a solution. A situation needs to be seen  in a different light, and two seemingly opposite forces reconciled. This is not a process to be rushed. But rather, one to be approached with sensitivity and reflection. Allow the answer to come from the Inner Voice which speaks to your heart. We are now offering a FREE month’s subscription to our Authentic Subscriber Service, when you avail yourself of a therapeutic and enlightening 1 Hour Telephone Consultation with Authentic Man. Our Monthly Subscriber Service comprises a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report provided every week based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price. For more information, please Click Here. Together, we are stronger.


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