Vedic Lunar Scope: Krittika 23rd April, 2012 - Purity or Pretence?

Authentic Man

The truth, indubitably, sets us free. Not only does it liberate us from the burden of pretence, it also bolsters our strength and enlivens our Soul. But first, we must be willing to accept it and not deny it. That requires responsibility and humility. Those with a strong sense of negative ego or pride shy away from this process for it shows their vulnerability and exposes the lie behind which they have hidden. There is greater fortitude in authenticity than can ever be found in exuding a false front of potency. Therein lies the foundation for success of the purest sort. Stand behind the wisdom in your Heart and the ethics of your Soul and the Grand Earth Trine between the Sun, Mars and Pluto will empower you. To understand the full impact of this profound alignment upon your personal astrology, I invite you to have a Telephone Consultation.

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Vedic Lunar Scope: Krittika 23rd April, 2012 - Purity or Pretence?