There is a huge difference between knowing what to do, and having the wherewithal to do so. Yet to persist without actually taking the plunge is tantamount to shirking responsibility. Additionally, we would only find our energy continue to stagnate until circumstances required a shift of another sort, which could ultimately be much less desirable. No matter how much you may wish to ignore that which you are now sensing, it is clamoring not only for your recognition, but also for action. Move and the weight will be off of your shoulders.
For this weekend only, (until Monday 30th July), I am offering a 50% discount on 1 Hour Telephone Consultations. This means a 1 Hour Consultation for only $40.00, if booked and paid for by Monday. For more information on the Consultations and my approach, plus a link to my Testimonials, please click on the link below. If you wish to avail yourself of this special offer price, please email me directly at authenticastrology@gmail.com, or ‘phone 503-388-9131, and I will arrange to invoice you directly at the reduced rate, and schedule a time for your consultation. I look forward to working with you! Telephone Consultations
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