Vedic Lunar Scope: Jyeshtha 10th April, 2012 – The Whisper of Insight

Vedic Lunar Scope: Jyeshtha 10th April, 2012 - The Whisper of Insight
Authentic Man

Anger and frustration have the propensity to draw us so deeply into the realm of subjectivity that we are incapable of seeing anything outside of the stimulus that has created the response that we are under the influence of. No matter how much we try to convince ourselves to the contrary, when you are in the moment, it is very real. That cannot be denied. However, no matter how strong the trance, the voice of perspective can eventually break through the cacophony. It  either does so when our emotions have been exhausted, or when its whisper is finally heard above the inner shouting,  and fully comprehended. Once it does, heed its wisdom for it offers the insight needed to rise above the challenge you may be facing. You don’t have to hold out for the Whisper of Insight, its voice can be clearly heard and understood through a Telephone Consultation. For more information, please click here.

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Vedic Lunar Scope: Jyeshtha 10th April, 2012 - The Whisper of Insight

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