We cannot control the world around us. But with awareness, we can cultivate self-control. When we are faced with impediments and difficulties, within us is the strength to withstand even if we do not possess the ability to alter the circumstances. We may not be able to stop the onslaught, but we can be aware of our reaction to it and try to adapt and adjust accordingly. Find the courage today to remain centered. Rather than rising to the bait, instead rise to the occasion by seeing things from a higher perspective. Paradigm shifting astrology now prevails. As one Grand Earth Trine is separating, the stage is being set for a third in just as many months; this time involving Mercury, Mars and Pluto. Following on the heels of this aspect, a few days later there will be a Solar Eclipse in Gemini. To understand the impact of this profound Celestial Climate upon your Personal Astrology, I invite you to have a Telephone Consultation!
Further Astrological Insight can be found by joining me on FACEBOOK.
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