Vedic Lunar Scope: Hasta 24th July, 2012 - Enervation = Innovation

Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

If we were never moved, or prompted; we would never shift, or grow. Force must meet form. Energy must apply to inertia. Without the seemingly restless energies which impact upon our psyche, the process of motivation could never transpire. Information which you are now privy to may be somewhat unnerving, but it serves a purpose. Be receptive to its impulse and allow it to be creative rather than destructive. Understand more fully the message of motivation that the Universe regularly communicates to you. Our monthly Authentic Subscribers’ Service is comprised of a 15 Minute Personal Audio Report provided every week based upon your COMPLETE Personal Astrology, NOT just your Sun Sign, with the initial report provided within 48 hours of your Subscription; plus, a twice yearly 50% discount on our 1 Hour Telephone Consultation price, to be used at your discretion. For more information, please click here.

Vedic Lunar Scope: Hasta 24th July, 2012 - Enervation = Innovation