Authentic Man
From the moment that we are born, we are influenced by others, especially our parents. In addition, they were also subjected to impression. No wonder it is so difficult to truly know ourselves. It is also no surprise that it is so hard to be free when we are buried under such conditioning. Yet, it is said that the soul chooses its family before entering this realm. So, certainly there must also be some good that we inherit. Be consciously aware of whose dreams you are trying to fulfill this week. Who are you trying to please and why? You are here to pursue your own dreams, and no one else’s. We are quickly closing in on a third Grand Earth Trine in just as many months; this time between Mercury, Mars and Pluto. A few short days after the exactitude of this profound alignment, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Gemini. A decision now approaches, along with the power to make it. To understand the full impact of this intense Celestial Climate upon your Complete Astrology, please consider either an In-Depth Personalised Audio Report or a Telephone Consultation.
You can read more of my Astrological Writings on my Facebook Page.