Vedic Lunar Scope: Chitra 31st May, 2012 – I, Robot

Vedic Lunar Scope: Chitra 31st May, 2012 - I, Robot
Authentic Man

Day by day, we carry on with the same habitual patterns. Are we robots? Or, are we Human? Is life meant to be routine? Or, are we meant to constantly learn, adapt and evolve? Let’s say, for instance, you are driving down a road. Suddenly you discover that the turn you have taken has led you miles from your destination. Certainly, you should turn back, no? Perhaps instead, you should allow your sense of adventure to navigate. You need not always fear uncharted territory. And maybe your previously chosen destination pales by comparison to where you now find yourself heading. There is certainly a chance. Try something new. The Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on 4th June leads into a summer of intense astrology. The landscape the other side is sure to be radically different. To understand more fully the impact of the approaching Celestial Influences upon your Personal Astrology, please consider a Telephone Consultation.

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Vedic Lunar Scope: Chitra 31st May, 2012 - I, Robot

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