Vedic Lunar Scope: Bharani 5th March, 2014 - Testing the WatersThere come the occasional moments in life where we are uncertain as to whether we are going forward, sitting still or regressing. Dare we trust the inspiration that our senses feed us? Have they not led us wrong before? And who’s to say that they won’t again? But, we can never know if we don’t test the waters. Anxiety is fear driven. Restlessness can be more elevating and serve as the harbinger of great creative potential. Something which may seem negative is now being viewed with overly critical eyes.

I will be holding a workshop The Lunar Mansions: Fine Tuning the Music of the Spheres at the Kairos School of Astrology in Glastonbury, UK 8th March, 2014. Advanced registration for the course is £50. Course is by pre-registration only and space is reserved. For more information on the course, please Click Here.

About Michael Reed