Vedic Lunar Scope: Ashlesha 17th November, 2011 – The Radiant Truth

Vedic Lunar Scope: Ashlesha 17th November, 2011 - The Radiant TruthFear not what may transpire in exploring Fresh Territory. Instead, be inspired. The appropriate concern at this juncture in Humanity’s Evolution is what may happen by not shifting from the Paradigm that is outmoded to the Revolutionary Ideal whose time has come. Although the previous Delusion of Materialism may have a seeming appeal, all that glitters is not gold. All Illusion must soon fade in comparison to the Truth, which may initially seem dull and harsh to the Senses, yet is dazzling in its Radiance.

Vedic Lunar Scope: Ashlesha 17th November, 2011 - The Radiant Truth


By toppling the self-imposed Inner Authority that binds you to ignorance of your True Essence, Awareness and Liberation are bestowed. As we approach an Adventurous Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on 25th November, now is an excellent time for considering a Telephone Consultation with Authentic Man. For more information, please Click Here.

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