Vedic Lunar Scope: Ardra 30th March, 2012 - Blind and Bound

Authentic Man

Until that fated moment that destiny provides us with our nemesis, we often continue in an obsessive manner seeing nothing beyond a narrow-scoped view of the world. It is as if, like a horse, we wear blinders ensuring that we stick to the old and trusted way, long past the time which that path has been traversable. Then we hit a rut, and break a wheel. We could repair and continue. But, it would be much wiser to find a New Road and a Brighter Destination. At those moments when you feel lost along Life’s Highway, my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports can help you to plot a different course. They are based upon your Complete Astrology, not just your Sun Sign. For more information, please click here.

Vedic Lunar Scope: Ardra 30th March, 2012 - Blind and BoundFor further Astrological Reflections, please join me on FACEBOOK.